Faithful Lisa

Lisa was found with a rope hanging around  her neck in a village not far from Sofia. After giving birth to 9 puppies of  not known fate/not a good one for sure/ and due to lack of opportunities to be abandoned far from the village, she was simply tied to the village fountain by her owner. Someone did unntie her and she returned despite everything in front of the house where she used to live.There was another dog already.

And that is how we found Lisa, terribly weak as she used to starve for a long period of time and still kind and trusting people.She weighed at that time only 13 kg while now she is already 20.

She proved to be young -not more than two years old, now she is neutered, vaccinated and microchipped.Lisa spent almost half an year in a clinic and now she is in a hotel as the cage is not an option for her any more.She is still looking for a home as we would never return her to a place where dog  polulation is managed simply by organized shooting.

Lisa is a dog  of a proud character that unfortunately is not fond very much of cats while  with people and dogs is simply gourgeous.

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