50 beautiful billboards, city lights and bus-stop banners advertising Spay&Neuter centres, dog registration and dog adoption will be touring the city of Sofia for two months and if the campaign proves to be successfull, maybe even more.
The campaign is a part of a large effort to popularize responcible dog ownership and is a joint effort by the Sofia municipality and Animal Rescue Sofia.
It comes along with the free spay/neuter for both homeless and pet animals at municipal and private Spay/Neuter centres. There is also a free microchip program for pets to encourage the spay/neuter of pets.
Animal Rescue Sofia has distributed thousands of educative brochures on responcible dog ownership and is looking for a sponsor for another print:
Be a responcible owner leaflet
All stray animal problems come from humans who know little or nothing about responcible dog ownership.
Educating the public is the most important work to be done here in Bulgaria.
Contact us if you would like to help us print and distribute our brochures.
Thanks and regards to everyone involved in education in the animal welfare field!