Elza is a 3-month old girl who is so increadibly sweet- she just mealts your heart
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CASSIE is a lovely, warm animal with a soft and delicate nature. Very stable, calm and friendly. She loves people, kids and dogs and is very eager to please. She also looks much better live than on photos – she has a orange-yellow shining color, it’s like the sun has come into the room when she’s arround. Healthy, parasite free and vaccinated.Cassie is sister to Kind Casper, Chloe.
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And here is Rujka – you may know her from our blog. She has such a dignity, and still likes humans so much, it’s really a shame that she is not as attrractive on the outside as she is in her heart and witts… Ruzhka comes form Seslavci and has been waiting for many months to be adopted – we really hope she will find a good familly soon.
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SNEJKA came with her mother and siblings to Bogrov.