We are delighted to inform you that eight more Bogrov dogs have been incredibly lucky to find love and happiness in Germany!
Gergana (or Tiva as we used to call her before an amazing Gergana donated for her treatment) is one of the shelter dogs who were diagnosed with Heartworm. Not “is”, but “was”, because this lovely lady is now totally Heartworm-Free! Gergana was free of the worms last autumn, but then it got complicated – there is no photo in this world that can transmit that joyful, playful look that only Gergana can give you.
We took her over from the Municipal Seslavtzi shelter back in the summer of 2010, the poor girl did have to wait quite a lot. To our great satisfaction, we can finally announce that the clever people who will recognize the angel in Gergana have finally stepped up! In Germany, but who cares about some 2000km when love is involved…
Gaby was a baby when she was brought by the Minicipal Cathcers to our shelter for neutering. Her leg was injured, so she stayed with us until she recovers. Here, she proved that she is just a little teddy-bear in dogs’ clothing and became a valuable member of the pack. We hoped someone would appreciate her for who she is abroad and we were right! Now Germany is one bit more lovely!
Dea and Bimba are two little sisters (Dea above, Bimba below)
Perhaps you’ve met them on the web when they were babies. Someone had dumped 6 tiny white mice in a box and we were urgently looking for someone to foster them until they are vaccinated and can be admitted to the shelter safely. Dea and Bimba are super lovable dogs, both of them. Bimba (the white girl) is also in this years’ calendar with one of their brothers. The two girls will surely be quick to learn German, they are ready to do anything just to be allowed to love and be loved in return.
Meet Misho. He is brother to Murphy – a lovely guy who was adopted as a puppy a year ago. Sadly, their mother – Sarah is still with us. This family arrived after their elderly owner realized he could no longer look after them. The way to Happiness is a way to Happiness, no longer how long it takes you to cover it. We are sure Sarah’s people are out there, we just need luck to find them. And Misho will be sending all his powerful best wishes from his lovely new German home!
Ivka and Jenya are not related, it only so happened that the two of them grew up like sisters. (Ivka above, Jenya below)
The girls came to the shelter in a box, just like so many other puppies. We had no space for them, but neither could we send them back, so we were forced to put two dumped litters together in one quarantine cell. So, the little ladies grew up together – lovely dogs both of them: friendly, smart, joyful. We hope they will be very lucky and happy in Germany!
Rada was found in the street in a terrible condition (above). We thought of her as a smaller version of Mira and just like her, Rada blossomed and became a great beauty when she recovered from her bad times (below). She was very lucky to have a foster home, so she already knows what happiness is. Well, she still gets the wonderful surprise of the dog-friendly nature that awaits her in Germany! Loads of luck, little one!
Special thanks to our partners in Germany!
Dear donors and volunteers of Animal Rescue Sofia, thanks to you thousands of the most hated and abused animals have acquired new lives and happiness. We hope everything you do works out well for you!!!