A healthy and strong dog may be neutered after the age of 5-6 months. That is especially important for the females – if a female dog is neutered before her first season risks to the dogs’ health rapidly decline – the dog will never suffer from mammory tumours, pyometra or sexually transmitted deseases.
It’s spay/neuter time at Bogrov! Every day, actually. See our wonderful neutering surgeons doctor Marietta Stankova and doctor Rossi Styanova fetch shelter dogs for neutering:
Everything begins with anaesthetics. Pre-medications are given to each dog to make sure the sedation will go well. After a 20-minute prep, which includes pre-meds, anaethetics, catheters and hygiene shaving the surgery begins. Here you see d-r Stoyanova calming a dog while it falls asleep before the operation:
We neuter both dogs and cats for free at the Bogrov clinic – ones with an owner or without. The sergery takes longer on female animals, but it is still a routine operation and the vets handle it quickly and safely, being experienced in hundreds and hundreds of neuterings. Our methods are humane and animal-friendly, we work with great care and compassion.
When spayed or neutered the dog/cat has all its reproductive organs removed – testcles for the males and ovaries and uterus for the females. This is done in order to ensure there will be no follow-up complications for the animal and is the safest way to proceed.
Every dog gets a permanent tattoo and a small clip on the top of the left ear, cats only get their ear tipped. This is to make sure that people know the dog is neutered, also where it was neutered and by whom. A dog with a X and a number following would be a dog neutered at the Bogrov clinic. So if ever necessary to identify who made the sergery, or wether the dog was vaccinated for Rabbies – we can easily check our own documents on the dog through it’s ID.
Identification is the last phase of a sergery, the dog is slowly coming out of anaesthetic, but still feels no pain from the procedure. We administer a 48 hour pain relief to the neutered animals.
When the dogs have rested and recovered from the anaesthetics they have a day to refresh after the whole procedure. When the dog has recovered for a while in a peaceful environment – life can go on as usual. A neutered dog usualy plays and jumps 3-4 days after the operation. In a week – there are no signs that the dog was ever neutered. It can live a more peaceful, healthier life in happiness.
We have had over 1500 dogs neutered at our clinic already and haven’t had any accidents or surprises, with the exclusions of dogs with tumors and other problems of the reproductive organs that only showed up during surgery. So it can be said – neutering is very safe.
We would like to remind you that Spay/Neuter is free for owned and street cats and dogs at our clinic.
We currently offer a special program for pet owners – you can get a free microchip in Bogrov if your dog is neutered at the clinic.