We already told you about the two journeys we managed to organize since the beginning of the month:
December miracles, part I: 26 new Dutch dogs
December miracles, part II: 32 new Austrians
And you of course remember that with your strengths combined we managed to send more animals on the road to their happiness:
A CRY FOR HELP: Home for Christmas
Today, with pleasure, pride and a Holiday spirit – we present the last big group of dogs that left the shelter and is already happily tucked in in their new places in Austria, Germany and Holland.
Here they are – 25 dogs and 2 very lucky cats whose Christmas wishes were fulfilled thanks to your generosity and kindness! Ta-raaaa!
We begin with the luckiest two: Emmy and Ugo. The two went to Maria and Felicity – two Dutch vets that had been with us a couple of times and this is the second lot of “sticky-case” dogs that they are taking up for rehoming.
Ugo was stuck in his cage for over 2 years. There is nothing special about his story – it is the same as at least 60% of the dogs we have in the shelter. He was born in someone’s yard and when he grew up – his mother’s owners “humanely” dropped him off in a cardboard box somewhere far from their home. Then, he came to the shelter and was raised by us. Black and typical just as 20 other dogs at Bogrov – he never got a single inquiry in Bulgaria. We are really happy he will have his own place in Holland! Finally!
You of course remember Emmy – her life was hanging by a thread when you pitched in to help pay for her surgery, so she was put together by the good doctors again. Emmy lived isolated and alone for quite a while because of her injuries. So has craved love and company for so long… Such a delicate and fragile dog – she had difficulty coping in the shelter. Congratulations to her, we are sure she will make her new family very happy!
Babies from a box – all 5 of them! Brothers and sisters – dumped by the garbage – small, sweet, breed-less and with no future. The lucky souls are already in Holland and people want them! Our kind partners will make sure to choose the most suitable family for each.
Congratulations to these sweet new Dutch dogs! There is a saying in Bulgarian “Mom, just give birth to me lucky, and then – you may throw me in the trash…” – we believe it was made for puppies like these.
These here sweethearts are Izzy and Busy – two sweet sisters with the typical “homeless” color that some fake-hearted animal lover dumped in the yard of a family that adopted a dog from us. The kind people have had the girls since the start of the winter and made sure they are healthy, social and vaccinated so they get a future in the land of tulips. Our hearts brake for their poor mommy who is still rotting away unsprayed somewhere on a chain…
This angel we call “The Owl”! She is the puppy that found its way over the walls of our Puppygarten and was constantly moving around the cages. She is a curious, lively, fun kid that wants to be in 5 places at the same time. This smiling little devil will be the pride and joy of her people in Holland!
The two diamonds in the rough – Indira and Perun also went to Holland! The two were nurced back to life by a most wonderful foster mom – Teddy. As you may guess – these two needed no time to wait and were adopted right away!
Two fostered doggies found their way to a new Vaterland! This is Dora and Yogi – two lucky souls from the streets of Sofia who will never again know fear, hunger and loneliness! Sprechen sie deutsch, baby!?!
These brothers came to the shelter after the municipal catchers had picked them up from a playground – some “genius” had abandoned them there in the night. The familiar story – puppies of an owned yard dog dumped in a cardboard box…
To our great satisfaction the three heroes are now safe and cozy in Austria where a secure and happy future awaits them!
This is Linda – a wonderful lady that was dumped by her owners in a village near Sofia. A young, kind and sweet animal – they would have easily found a new home for her if they had tried. Abandoning dogs in Bulgaria is supposed to be penalized, but there have been 0 (zero) people fined for this crime so far… Linda sat in Bogrov for quite a while, but is now warm and well in Austria for the Holidays!
Another abandoned pet – Andrea the Dalmatian. She is already at her new place, the lucky lady! Andrea was extremely cold at the shelter and we were looking for a way to get her someplace warm when our Austrian friends called with an offer to take her in. So lucky Andrea was quick to go off to her happiness!
The other former pets who found a spot on this transport are Alaska and Bella – two almost-huskies that have been in the shelter for quite a while now – waiting for love to find them.
Bella is a young dog that we picked up from the street only a few months old – we guess she was bought for a husky and when she grew up to be not-so-husky-like – they threw her out.
Alaska was found wandering in the city center and we expected someone to come looking for her, but months passed and the lady remained un-noticed at the shelter. She was lucky to find a home in Austria!
The last of his litter to go – this young angel came with 6 others like him and a freshly-abandoned mother. He is now a proud new Austrian. Now it is turn to cross our fingers for his sweet mother!
Mikie was abandoned in front of the shelter at a moment when there was not a single space to offer her in quarantine. She was lucky to not have picked up any illness and spent a long time living with her sister at their temporary cage in the warehouse. Congrats to this new little Austrian! And to her sister too – she went to Austria on the previous transport.
This “brother” and “sister” are the last to go from a litter that a very kind American family fostered for us a while ago. The kind people made sure they had vaccines and were vaccinated and we took them into the shelter. Only one of these puppies was rehomed in Bulgaria – Kris – you can see him all grown up in our forum. The rest of this litter of “mutts” became multinational citizens of the world! Congratulations!
Our special thanks once again to our kind partners in Austria, Holland and Germany!
Dear donors of Animal Rescue Sofia – thanks to you hundreds of the most hated animals in this world have received the chance of love, happiness and health!
We hope you are very happy too! And may 2013 bring us even more saved lives!