They put him in the car and drove off somewhere. So what, he was happy to be with them! They stopped and took him out – how interesting! He was curious to see and sniff around. They put some food on the ground – Hurray! and he began to eat.
Concentrated on his food he didn’t realise he was alone before he finished it. He began running around and miowing, looking for his people, but the car was long gone. They left him and never looked back.
This was the start of a new, uncertain life for poor Debelancho.
This boy has been fostered, but he can stay in his temporary home only for a little while. He needs new people fast – shouldn’t be so hard, he is such a wonderful cat!
Debelancho is young, friendly and beautiful. He loves to hug and cuddle and is a very peaceful and calm animal. He needs a home ASAP as he can stay at his fosters for a limited time – then he would have to be returned to the street.