We really tried hard not to bother you, dear friends, with our financial dramas during the summer.
When we took Tiger a month ago, we knew he needs two operations for his crippled legs, but he had no other chances. He has torn ligatures of the knees of both rear legs.
At that time we had the money needed for the first leg and Dr. Zlatinov made the operation.
Tiger is much better now, the recovery time has passed and it is now to make the second operation.
Tiger needs 600 levs for a normal painfree life…
Cheetah was found limping on the streets, without an owner. Strange, for a rottweiler puppy, but on a second sight we understood why…
She has a neurologic problem and cannot use her leg.
Dr. Zlatinov says he can try fixing the muscle (as it is now acreted to the bone) and try saving the leg. The other option is amputation, but, being a rottweiler, Cheetah will grow too big and it will be very hard for her with 3 legs…
For this operation we need about 450 levs.
Both dogs are not urgent in the life-saving matter we usualy have. But they both are urgent, if we want to save their legs, because every day decreases their chances for full recovery.
We hate asking you for money at a moment everyone thinks of holidays, not animals, but we cannot make it without you this time.
Please, donate and help us not only raise 1050 levs, but to change Tiger and Cheetah’s lives!
You can donate via bank, paypal and epay from here or on spot in Cenral Vet Clinic (just don’t forget to mention it is for Animal Rescue Sofia’s Tiger and Cheetah).