CRY FOR HELP: An urgent operation for SnowWhite the dogo

EDIT 15.05 12:15 p.m.

Your gift to SnowWhite

EDIT 14.05 10:45a.m.


To SnowWhite’s new friends:Thanks to your generosity, SnowWhite will get more than a life-saving operation. She will also be able to get the highest quality of medical treatment!
We can keep her in the clinic for monitoring for a few days and she will get expensive and gentle medications.

SnowWhite spent this night on a very heavy medication in order to get her infection into control before her surgery. She is now stable and will be operated around noon. Her personal vet – d-r Voychev says she has a big chance of a full recovery.

Now, keep your fingers crossed and we will keep you informed.

PS If you are visiting our animals at the CVC, please always use the visiting hours and make sure not to take up too much time.

She is SnowWhite.
This snow white dog is not over two years old. Outside, she looks like a Dogo Agrentino, but there must have been some mistake when her soul was having her body attached. She is just a little koala by nature.


She is wonderful.
We don’t need other words to describe this friendly, gentle and kind little girl. She will do anything to please, no matter how hard or painful it might be.

She is abandoned.
Kind people brought her in after finding her wonder in the woods above Bistritza. Very weak, neglected and uneasy, SnowWhite has all the traits of an abandoned pet dog that has been alone outside for weeks.

She is dying.
SnowWhite wasn’t able to cope with life outside. Hungry and in despair, she has swallowed some rocks in an attempt to ease the hunger. They are now blocking her intestines, causing an infection and peritonitis that will cost her life.


She asks for your help.
For our girl to live, she needs an urgent operation. Unfortunately, the shelter cannot afford it – it costs 350BGN (180E). There is a price on SnowWhite’s life and it is up to this 350BGN if she will live or die.

How can you help her?
If you have any possibility – even a small one – please, donate for SnowWhite by ePay, PayPal or by bank AT THIS LINK. You can also leave a donation at the front desk of the Central Vet Clinic, just mention it is for the bill of Animal Rescue Sofia.



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