CRY FOR HELP: A tiny baby with a torn-off leg

EDIT 09.10.12; 08:00 pm
Bubka’s surgery has been successful, we thank d-r Voychev from the Central Vet Clinic. She is stable and reanimating. Bubka needs to stay a couple of days in the clinic as she is anemic and might need a blood transfusion. Fingers crossed for her!

EDIT 08.10.12; 01:00 pm
The miracle has worked again!!! The necessary funds were raised less than an hour after we published this story!!! THANK YOU!! BLESS YOU!!! We will keep you informed!

We begin this week with an urgent cry for help.

This tiny creature is young, 2-month old kitten. She is currently in the home of Latinka, a kind woman that found her on the street in this condition:

Actually, no. She was quite worse, it is through the care of Latinka that the infection was taken under control and the dead little hind leg is necrotizing without killing her. But let’s start at the beginning:

This little baby came into Latinka’s path a few days ago. Her hind leg torn off, hanging on skin and ligament – a sad and scary picture.  Latinka grabbed her and took her home to her own 3 cats, dog and a parrot. After that she took the baby to the Central vet clinic where x-rays were made. The diagnosis: the damaged leg needs to be removed immediately.

Only Latinka had already paid 50BGN for the x-ray and examination and has absolutely no way to pay 150 more for a surgery. She took the little one, whom she called Bubka, home and begun to take care of it herself.

Bubka somehow goes through the lavements twice a day, although it is raw meat that has to be disinfected. But she takes it. Meanwhile the little leg has begun to dry off. An operation is necessary and it has to happen ASAP. This is how Bubka reached us. But, as you have already been informed, we have such a large debt at the clinic that we can no longer operate animals on credit.

Bubka’s surgery costs only 150BGN and can be made tomorrow if we find the money. What is more – she will not be looking for a new home afterward, she will stay with Latinka. But to do that – she must survive first.

If you have any possibility, please DONATE FOR BUBKA HERE. This is her only chance.

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