CRY FOR HELP: A chance of happiness for our kitties

Thank you! Bless you!

Last year in May the citizens of Sofia stated that stray dogs are the #1 problem in our city. This year in June our British guests had to search for packs of stray dogs for a whole afternoon in order to get them on film.

The city is changing – the big Spay/Neuter effort in the last 3 years has given it’s fruit – not jut in our center, but also the municipality’s, the hundreds of volunteers who catch and bring dogs for neutering, and the now-closed Spay/Neuter center in Stud.Grad.

We managed to turn things around with the stray dogs, which can be said without doubt. And if anyone disagrees – the statistics speak for themselves. This year, the numbers of abandoned puppies that we were called to help (sadly, we cannot help them all) are twice smaller than the numbers last year. It is a rare thing to see puppies in the street, and it’s even more rare to see ones with a mother, born in the street, the new dogs of the city are now 95% formerly owned.

Great! But what is happening with the cats meanwhile?

As in every city where the population of stray dogs is decreasing, the cat numbers are growing in proportion. Cat colonies, formerly kept tight by packs of hunting dogs, are now growing, Sofia is swamped by litters of homeless or unwanted kittens with no future.

You know we work with dogs predominantly. (Mainly because we have a dog shelter and we keep our cats in foster families. This limits our cat activities rehoming-wise, we do neuter quite a lot of cats otherwise. At the moment our foster families are not full, but overflowing, we even have kittens in a box in our laundry room – the number of cats depending on us for a solution is beyond our worst nightmares. What is more – there are ZERO requests for kitten adoption – ours are just a few of the thousands being offered at this time.

We tried everything we could to find them love abroad and a miracle has happened! There are foster homes for a huge part of our furry angels thanks to a lovely organization in Austria! They have a place to go, they have people who want them, they have every possibility of happiness that counts, but one… we are short of the money they need to be able to travel.

It is a wild situation – the animals are prepared and can travel on Friday. They can all be happy and settled in Vienna this very weekend. But this can only become a fact if we find enough cat friends to support them. Otherwise, only 1/3 of the sweeties you see here will be able to go:


Sex: F, neutered
Age: 2 y.o.
FIV: Negative
Compatibility with other animals: Good with cats
Story: An abandоned pet


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Sex: F, neutered
Age: 1 y.o.
FIV: Negative
Compatibility with other animals: good with other animals
Story: Owners are moving


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Name: mom TEDDY  + 3 kittens: 1 female + 2 males
Sex: F
Age: 2 y.o.
FIV: Negative
Compatibility with other animals: Scared of dogs, N/A with cats
Story: An abandoned pet, gave birth in the street, had her kittens killed and adopted 3 new-borns found in a trash-can earlier the same day.


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Name: mom SNOWWHITE   + 8 kittens: 4 males and 4 females
Sex: F
Age: 2 y.o.
FIV: Negative
Compatibility with other animals: good with cats, could be OK with dogs
Story: Abandoned because she had kittens
Note: SnowWhite is very skinny and looks in a bad condition because she takes most of the care for all 8 babies, she is still nursing them. She needs about a month without the babies to become good-looking.

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The white female kitten has a Cherry-Eye condition that will need treatment later on
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Sex: F, neutered
Age: 2 y.o.
FIV:  Negative
Compatibility with other animals: Good with cats and dogs
Story: Abandoned pet, sister to Leon, wonderful angels both of them
Note: Missing an eye


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Name: LEON
Sex: M, neutered
Age:  2 y.o.
FIV: Negative
Compatibility with other animals: Good with cats and dogs

Leon and Chrisi are very close and love each other
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Sex: F, neutered
Age: 2 y.o.
FIV:  Negative
Compatibility with other animals: Has lived with dogs and cats, but isn’t friendly to them
Story: Super-lovable and communicative street cat, fostered after suffering severe injury by dogs
Note: Мissing a front leg


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Name: FIVE KITTENS Arya, Vicky, Nadia, Spas and Nadia
Sex: Spas is a boy, the rest are girls
Age: 2 m.o.
Compatibility with other animals: Dogs and cats
Story: Hand-reared kittens in urgent need of a new place


VICKY (F) image024

ARYA (F) image025

EMMA (F) image026

NADIA (F) image027

SPAS (M) image028




Name: Mamma + 6 babies
Sex: Female
Age: 1-2 y.o.
Compatibility with other animals: Good with cats, can learn to live with dogs
Story: A car stopped and 2 mothers with 6 babies were dumped with a plate of “food”. The other mother disappeared in seconds, this one remained with all the babies. A kind family that witnessed the scene allowed her to keep the babies in their shed, but she and the babies are still in danger – she is a pet who cannot get around in the street. Urgent

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Her babies are the 3 gray ones, the others are adopted. In the first photo it is just 1 hour after they were dumped – still on the sidewalk, the other are recent. 3 gray tiger babies, 2 black and 1 orange.

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Sex: 2 females, 3 males
Age: 2 m.o.
Compatibility with other animals: Dogs and cats
Story: Many litters of kittens were dumped at the shelter, there was no space for these angels in foster homes, and they are stuck in a cage at the laundry-room. Very friendly and sweet all of them.

GIRLS female2 female3

BOYS male1 male2 male3




Name: NINA
Sex: Female, neutered
Age: 1 y.o.
FIV:  Negative
Compatibility with other animals: Good with cats and dogs
Story: Found ill in the street and treated, super friendly and lovable. Urgent – has been waiting for a space to free in a clinic cage for over 2 months now.

– – – –

So, this is it, dearest friends. The kitties that were sure to travel have all they need. There are 4 more lucky cats that will leave with this transport, but they have people who took care of their needs. The rest are prepared, but all still need microchips and a few need EU passports.

In order to be able to send them all we will need BGN 445 (E 228). If you are able to help them, even with very little, please – do. We have very little time to organize it, let us not disappoint them, let us give them this chance…

We are raising donations for the cat-transport HERE – You can donate via PayPal, by bank or through ePay. You can also leave a donation at the shelter, if it’s convenient. We sincerely thank everyone who will join this effort. We believe that together, we can arrange the happiness these little angels deserve!

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