News of LunnaEDIT 16:50, 21.03.2011
There are 283Eur collected for Lunna’s surgery! According to d-r Zlatinov it shouldn’t cost more than 300E, it will more likely by 250, but we will know all costs after the surgery.
We will keep you informed about her condition. Meanwhile we hope that the people who brought her will get over their fears and let us know the name of the policeman who did this.
It was a moonlit night. Her owner took her out of the luggage compartment and put her on the ground. She was still winking in disbelief when he slammed the door and left as fast as he could. This is how Lunna’s new life began.
The morning came and king people from the nearby building saw her shivering and afraid. They promised her that she would be safe with them and gave her a much needed hug. They build her a small house, fed her and she began to understand that her life would be very different from what she expected.
But it was not meant to be. On the way home Mr Anonymous Policeman saw the new house and got mad. He tore it down, kicked her bowls, kicked her as well and gave a scary look to the terrified old ladies.
Lunna was shivering, the people were afraid to leave her out on the street with no shelter. So they opened the door of the building and let her sleep on a doormat. She was so quiet. As quiet as someone who knows their life depends on it. Quiet, yes – but not invisible. Mr Policeman saw her when he was going to work in the morning.
So he kicked her again. He kicked her the way only an Anonymous Policeman can kick. He kicked her so hard that he broke two of her bones, he kicked her so hard that the people who brought her refused to tell us his name, refused to tell us their address – they were just as terrified as she was. But the pain is all for her.
Two broken bones, but it is the dislocated one that is causing all this pain
Now Lunna is in the Bogrov clinic and in terrible pains. Her front left leg is broken, both the ulna and radial bones. The pain is great – she is not drinking, nor eating, she just lies with a pain in her eyes and shivers from time to time. She can be relieved from her pain, but it will be too expensive – approximately 250E according to orthopedic doctor Zlatinov.
This is not a life-saving situation. Lunna can live without a leg.
She is facing the following choice:
- We ask you for help and hope to raise the money she needs for an immediate surgery;
- we leave the leg to heal by itself a bit crooked and hope she will not have further pains that will require an amputation.
Luna’s leg lies lifeless, but still hurts as hell
It’s up to us, dearest of friends. Can we reduce Lunna’s pain or is it too much money for such a small and insignificant little baby?
To help Lunna – donate via PayPal or by bank. And let’s hope there are many of us – the people who want to help her.
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