600 kilograms of kibble were donated by Gergana and Beat Sen of Tierhilfe Sofia, Switzerland. We thank our Swiss friends for always being there for our poor dogs.
We thank Mrs Lucia Atanassova who bought 70 kilograms of food for our doggies!
The Bogrov shelter is always in need of food, all sorts of it:
-Canned food to feed the smallest of babies and the animals after surgery;
-Puppy kibble for our puppies to grow strong and healthy;
-Dry food for big dogs –a better quality for the ill ones; lower for the healthy;
-We also accept meat that we cook up for the babies in order to provide them better protein…
Whatever you decide to donate for our dogs’ meals – it is always welcome and quickly eaten! Our dogs devour over 350kg of food every single day and we always need more.
Sometimes people ask us – why are there some overweight dogs in the 21 cages of the shelter, do we overfeed? Yes, we do overfeed somewhat and with a purpose: in order to keep the dogs calm we make sure there is always plenty of food for everyone. Good food means a good mood, so to speak.