Children of the north 3

Nothing new under the sky. A story so well known and suffered – the fashion in dogs. A person decides to take a dog as some kind of accessory, something to brag about in front of other people, some kind of a belonging that you can throw away – because you don’t need it anymore, because it needs care and attention, love and understanding, because you have to make efforts. But why bother? You can just let it go on the streets and after that it’s not your concern anymore. May be there is a new belonging with which to brag. And that repeats over and over again. We already told you about some of our children of the north here the first part and here the second part, and now there is a new group we want to present to you.

Alaska is a beautiful young lady – a year, year and a half, husky mix. She was found wandering on a very busy road in Sofia. Now she is safe in the shelter waiting for adoption. Alaska is vital and energetic and needs attention and a lot of activity. Сhe is also very cheerful and friendly dog.

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Meet Lora – year and a half. She spent that time living on a chain, without the chance to feel free, to run wild and to grow normally. It is understandable that she was very mistrustful to people when she came to us. Now, with her life on the chain left in the past, Lora started trusting us. She is very delicate, careful and kind creature.

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Bella is a little older than one year. She was abandoned in one of Sofia areas when she was only a few months. Out of nowhere she found herself in an unfamiliar place, a territory of other dogs, all alone. What kind of life a typical north dog like her would have on the streets? Definitely not a good one. Now she is waiting to find her people. Bella is very energetic and playful dog.

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Locca is a fantastic, sweet-tempered, people-oriented, fun-loving, energeic girl. She is about 2,5 years old, an excellent dog for active, lively people, who want a friend that is never tired of games and fun.

She lives for walks and fun and spends her time playing and enjoying life. She has one stunning blue eye to remind us of the freedom she needs to be happy, it is so sad to see her locked in a cage…

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