Charity bake sale at the US embassy

Another great charity bake sale happened at the US embassy this week. Once again our friends there supported the Bogrov shelter cause and helped raise 650BGN for the shelter.


Animal Rescue Sofia ambassador Grado with our hosts at the embassy

The raised amount will be used to build new outside pens; we will be organizing a construction volunteer day together with our friends from the American community later on this month.

Our special thanks for the great people who made this possible:

  • The Girl Scouts: Hannah, Elena, Holly and Emma;
  • Sanders, Selena and Chenuse Aitchedji;
  • Rachel Denyer for the beautiful earrings;
  • Bryan and Anandaroopa for the adorable dog biscuits ;
  • Cathy Siegel for kindly organizing the event;
  • The bakers and the generous donors.

It was great sharing this morning with you, our good-will ambassador Grado had the greatest time. Hope to see you again soon!

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