Bubka, the saddest dog in the world

UPDATE 05/04/2017


Бубка се прибра у дома!

UPDATE 03/03/2017

Original post

01 (1)
Bubka – still in the street…

Bubka is a young girl, no matter that she looks like something an archaeologist digged-up. She is not 2 years old yet, but she has already spent half of her life in great suffering – wrapped in her ill, painful, itchy skin, hated and chased-away.

Kind people tried to help Bubka as she was in the street. Unfortunately, their efforts only brought to a greater damage to the skin, leaving it even more sick and vulnerable to the demodex ticks.

02 03
First moments at the shelter…

We admitted Bubka for treatment, but it is possible that her condition has already become chronic. Sadly, dogs with chronically ill skin are the most difficult to rehome. In 6 years we’ve only been able to find spots for Wrinkle and Dyakona – dogs like Christina, Sancho, Pleshka, Davka… they will probably never be wanted by anyone as their pets. Life here is their only alternative.

Despite the fact most skin-ill dogs aren’t a danger to anyone, people are really scared of them. Dor that reason, they often become the victims of cruelty and poisoning. At any given moment, The Farm hosts a large number of patients on skin treatments, we will always have plenty bald dogs for many different reasons.

04 05
To recover, Bubka needs special food, regular baths and medications.

Please, if you are able to help,
Bubka or the many other patients with the same diagnosis need the following stuff:

  • FOOD for skin-ill dogs (the best we can find here are Hills and Royal Canin, but they are too expencive for us to afford);
  • SHAMPOOS containing Chlorhexidine and other shampoos for skin-treatments (new, used, anything will be of help);
  • SPOT-ONs – we use Byer ADVOCATE (always in great demand) and DERMOSCENT (a very helpful skin product that assists in quick recovery);
  • DONATIONS – everything that happens at this shelter is made possible by the donors. If you could help, even by little, please do:

37 Dragan Tzankov blvd, Sofia, BG
IBAN BGN: BG07FINV91501215999954
IBAN EUR: BG50FINV91501215999956
BENEFICIARY: A R Sofia Foundation
ADDRESS: 23 James Bourchier blvd, Sofia, BG

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Send SMS with body DMS DOG to 17 777

1 lv donation for subscribers of Vivacom, A1, Yettel (no VAT)

Keep your fingers crossed for the gentle girl, so we can manage to heal her, chase away the demodex, soothe the skin and let this poor little body have some peaceful rest after all this suffering.

If it weren’t for the people who support the Farm, Bubka and her comrades would have nowhere to go.

Love and good care will turn sad Bubka into a smiling girl!

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