Our warmest regards to the owners of Golden Retriever show champion Non-Stop Isaac Newton – “Erik” for donating the income from his matings to Animal Rescue Sofia!!! Stanislava and Stoyan – thank you, it’s great to see cynologysts help the suffering animals on the street.
A mating with a champion dog such as Erik can cost up to 500E. We are very grateful to have received a donation for 2 matings of Erik -the money he gave us will cover up to 40 Spay/Neuter surgeries at the Bogrov clinic.
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We also want to thank our regular sponsor Mrs Herdis Daugbjerg – owner of Misch Amies Poodle kennel in Denmark and Administrator of the most popular poodle website – Poodles in Scandinavia. Herdis is a passionate animal lover and she always does her best to keep the poodle world informed of the many misfortunate animals in the world, giving them an opportunity of help.
Herdis donates all advertisement income from the Poodles in Scandinavia website to Animal Rescue Sofia.
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Our warm regards to Mrs Kate Pinches of Cuidado Rottweilers and Pumis in Hungary who is also our regular sponsor – sending help for the many dogs in need in Sofia. Kate has lived in Greece for a while and has helped and rehomed many stray animals there and abroad. Kate is a world-renown Rottweiler breeder and judge – and in her many years as a dog-lover she has always done her best to help the dogs in need.