Bogrov dogs with diagnosis by the CVC

Dear friends,
we want to apologize for keeping things so quiet in the last 10 days and for not being able to tell you tens of exciting stories about the daily work of Animal Rescue Sofia during that time. We had very important things to do, and hopefully will be able to tell you all about them next month (keep your fingers crossed!).

Meanwhile – our work doesn’t wait for us – sadly, pain and suffering never take a day off and we have managed to help tens of suffering animals, and also re-homed quite a few. We will tell you all about them in the days to come, it is now time to give you an update about the visit to the Central Vet Clinic that you helped us pay and for which we are greatly in debt to you.

To our huge surprise and great joy, besides the funds you raised for Maya, Kimbo, Liza and Mina – a few people wrote us that they want to help some other shelter animals as well and we managed to take quite a few dogs to see the orthopedists and ultrasound specialists at the Central Vet Clinic. You know that however helpful, our clinic is rather small and let’s face it – very poor, so this is their only chance to get the diagnosis or specialized treatment.

On their way to the clinic though, a detour had to be made. We received a signal about a dog that had fallen into an open shaft and couldn’t get out. When we went to the spot, this is what we discovered:


A tiny, miserable little girl who has been stuck there for days. With the help of our kindest Kremena, the little one was rescued and then loaded onto the bus – scared and dehydrated, to be taken to our own clinic for infusions and treatment.

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But -before she could get to the shelter, the other dogs on the bus had to be taken to the clinic. Here is what happened (sorry we don’t have many photos from the clinic– it was a crazy moment with so many dogs to handle):

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We have bad news for little Mina. She was diagnosed with Kushing’s syndrome – a treacherous illness that requires a lifetime hormonal treatment – her condition is close (but opposite) to the one that poor blind Misho is suffering from. As is with him – we are still yet to see how she will react to the treatment, how much it costs once she is stable and what we are going to do about her problem.

The worst diagnosis was received by German Shepherd Liza. After a thorough investigation she was diagnosed with a metastasized malignant tumor, numerous exostoses and what is the worst – intolerable pain that has been torturing her for months. With a cancer in its lethal stage and no chance of getting better, Liza was humanely put to sleep by us, after we took her for a nice long walk and gave her some very tasty treats. Rest in peace, dear girl. You are now in a place where pain cannot reach you.

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Let’s see if you will recognize this buddy right away? It is your friend Bruce – who owes his life to you after you helped him twice – when he was hit by a truck and operated; and later on when he was diagnosed with heartworm and needed immediate treatment. It was time for him to go for a routine ultrasound and sadly, the doctors are prolonging his treatment for yet another month, but – things are going at a steady pace. The doctors say Bruce looks well – healthy, loved and even somewhat arrogant from all the attention Bruce was his normal, confident self at the clinic. Now we wait for him to get lucky with the worms in his heart so we can finally look for a loving home for him to rule.

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Katya was among the prize pupils this time – the doctors said she can be operated to remove the metal plates they inserted to keep her bone steady while it recovers. We don’t have the means to do that now, but it will happen soon hopefully and the girl that is already quite a runner will be able to enjoy herself completely on the shelter grounds (Katya and Lilly live together free as “shelter dogs” during the day).

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The news is not at all so good for poor Tray. After you gave him an operation so he can keep his leg, after 2 months of effort and physiotherapy – the bone that had initially begun to grow back quite well, has failed him and will not recover. We did all we could – unfortunately – we have no more alternatives. Wonderful, good boy Tray will have to join the group of 3-legged dogs in the shelter and accept his destiny. Sadly – there is no other option – as soon as we find the money – he is going to be amputated.

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This fellow here is Pompay. If you know Dalmi (a Dalmatian mix that has been with us for half a year) – this here boy seems to be like a clone of his. Pompay is a dog of about 6-7 years and besides a Dalmatian parent, he must have had an idiot for an owner, since he is missing all of his front teeth and was found with a painful old problem in his back leg. We wanted to have that one checked and so we did. The doctors at the CVC gave him an excellent prognosis – he could be operated and walk on 4 legs. So, he is yet another dog to get in line for “better times” when we could afford his surgery.

Kimbo – no news so far, we wait.

We have excellent news about Maya – the dog with the crushed hind paw. Her recovery has been going even better than anticipated and she will not need any operation! We continue to change her daily bandages and will perform the physiotherapy she needs. Hope she continues to heal so well!

Well, that is it for now – such was the “stroll” our sweet “bogrovians” took to the CVC this week. We hope that little by little, the money to help the ones who still need treatment will be gathered and if they are lucky – it could be as early as next week that the “animals on hold” get what they need. Once again – we thank all the donors for helping us find diagnosis and adequate treatment for these unwanted, unloved heroes.

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