Bogdan’s and Shocko’s incredible luck!

Bogdan the mangy pup and Chocko the pit-bull have nothing in common. The only thing that connects them is the Bogrov shelter and Lady Luck, who seems to be on their side. Here are the details for you…


We found him at a gas-station about 10 months ago. Then, he was just an ill little puppy, all black and with funny white “socks”, he was a little worried, but in the same time very friendly. We took him in for his skin treatment and the kind little boy merged into the noisy crowd of the shelter.

All this time there was only one inquiry for Bogdan, but it was only a question, no one came to see him. Meanwhile, he continued to grow and become more and more beautiful.

Alexander Minkov came to the shelter in the beginning of 2013. Then, after a careful deliberation he chose to adopt our clever rascal Ronnie. It was a difficult choice to make and Bogdan also did his best to win Alexander’s heart, but… came in second.

So, 3 months later, Ronnie is already a part of Alex’s life. And he returned to the shelter with a decision: to adopt Bogdan as well, as long as Ronnie likes him too. You know that the dogs at the shelter in different cages usually hate each other’s guts. Living in such an environment, there is not much else to do than bark at everything you see, and the most hated of curse are – the neighbors. So, this meeting was conducted in the most careful manner, with worried people at the ends of both leads.

We need not tell you much more, do we? Bogdan and Ronnie didn’t just like each other – they LOVED one another! The played and jumped, wagged tails and licked each-other’s faces. The message was clear: we are friends!

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With no further disputes, Alexander signed his adoption papers, loaded the lucky boys onto the car and thus, started a truly amazing friendship that will last many long, happy years for Sasho, Ronnie and Bogdan!


Anyone who has been to the shelter recently knows not to stick their fingers into the cage of yet another pit-bull occupying the vari-kennel in the toilet. Well, that is of course, unless the person in question doesn’t want to give a tasty finger-snack to Chocko, a first class pit-bull.

Found hanging around a bus-stop, Chocko – although very friendly to some, was quite unfriendly to others. It is a difficult task to care for such a dog, but it gets even harder if you have to care for a dog like this in a shelter environment.  But, what can we say – it must be our destiny to live with a pit-bull in our toilet.

So, our WC-pitt lived happily in his toilet – no one asked for him and he spent his days in scaring the volunteers and visitors to death. Then, he decided he is the dog of D-r Gergushka and threw all his pit-bull charm at her, but… didn’t succeed. His loving gazes and his mad habbit to guard her against everything didn’t help him much – he remained in the shelter as an unwanted pit-bull with a problematic touch.

So, a few days ago Georgi Naydenov and Margaritta Ognyanova came to the shelter looking for a similar dog named Hector. Hector had jumped the fence a whole year ago and left them desperate. They looked for him everywhere, placed many ads, but couldn’t find him. When they finally decided to get another dog, they were shocked to find an ad that their dog was found and quickly arrived at the shelter.


At the first moment Chocko didn’t give them the least attention. But, in the moment Margaritta spoke, he went crazy! Jumping, smiling, dancing… such happiness you can hardly imagine – pit-bull happiness! Now Hecktor is back at his home with his people and best friend – a pit-bull comrade who has greatly missed him. They promised each other to never get lost again and sailed off to the Great Happiness!

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