Blind Rex and Andy – our eyeless dogs, became British!

Have you seen dogs without eyes? No!? Then you do not know Rex and Andy (Orlando) from the Bogrov shelter.

Rex and Andy have nothing common in their past. Rex was a yard guardian, Andy was someone’s pet. Their destinies were bound together after they came to our shelter – the two boys underwent the same operation – their eyes were removed. But who would want a dog without eyes? We already have 16 3-legged dogs that are going nowhere, and blindness, plus the lack of eyes, is so much more repulsing to prospective adopters.

Both the dogs received comments stating that euthanasia would be the most merciful thing in their cases. Such comments have their rational reasons – their life would never be the same, and placing such animals in loving homes is… impossible.

Yes, impossible… but not totally! Or not at all, would tell you Sir Rex and Lord Andy from their new homes in the UK where they have arrived separately over the past few weeks. After the magic for blind Diado Yotzo, 2 more blind Bulgarians have been welcomed in Britain where loving families took them into their homes, accepting them for whom they are!


Orlando, or Andy for short, was hit by a car. Not too hard, as to kill him, but just enough to destroy his life forever. His eyes popped out causing him not only blindness, but also intolerable pain. Orlando stood by the road 48 hours before people contacted us. He was brought to the shelter where we had to remove his eyes immediately. Andy was alone in the darkness, in a little cage in our office…

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Today Andy is a part of a big, happy family under the loving care of Sue Hill. Sue also has one more Bulgarian dog – a sweet, 3-legged girl who could not find a home in Bulgaria, because of her disability. Sue works with Dogs Trust and all her animals are rescues that need special care.


Andy’s new name is Joshua. He will be dearly loved and cherished till his last days in Sue’s loving hands!


For 4 years Rex was the faithful guardian of his owners’ yard. 4 years he was running around them happy and faithful. 4 years he looked up to them and followed their every move. And on the 5-th, he began to go blind. Slowly and painfully he began to lose his eyesight. Both of his retinas got unstuck and from blurry light, his life became a blurry fog until the day his world got covered in darkness, full of obstacles. When his owners realized the dog is completely blind, they brought him to the shelter and signed a rejection declaration.

Rex remained caged for a year. We had a hard time keeping bullies away from him and he got attacked by other shelter dogs who felt his weakness. We got to the point when we were thinking that perhaps a peaceful sleep would be easier for Rex…

rex pauline young (1) rex pauline young (3)

Today, Rex has found himself in a cozy home environment for the first time in his life. He is loved by the kind people and respected by the good animals. His step-dad is a dog trainer and will help him adjust to an unfamiliar pet life, and his step-mom Pauline Young will give him all the love he needs in the process!

Thank you

We say a HUGE thank you to our colleagues in England who have turned things around for these boys!!!
We thank the kind families that opened their home doors and their hearts to these poor misfortunates!!!
We thank the people who donated for their surgeries and life at the shelter until this golden opportunity came up!!!
Good luck, boys!!!

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