Blind labrador puppy Aura – REHOMED

Blind little Aura now has new guiardian angels – Katya Genova and Boris Gulev! The little one is now home with the kind people and is very, very happy!

Boris and Katya have 4 cats who are gradualy getting used to the new addition. For now they are busy ignoring each other, but we hope they will become great friends.

We thank Katya and Boris for adopting a blind dog; for being so megacool; for giving their best in caring for Aura.

Katya, Boris, people like you remind us that Bulgaria is a good place, that we have a chance to make things happen, that nothing is hopeless. We hope you are very, very happy!

Our thanks to the generous donors who helped us with the large bills for Aura’s treatment. Your help has brought this happy ending to this unusual, sad story.

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