Aura, the blind Labrador puppy dumped for euthanasia

Аura’s new home 🙂

Aura is a purebred Labrador. A dog that has been bred intentionally with the idea of improving the breed and/or profit, however you might choose to put it. Aura is 3 months old. She is beautiful, noble and… blind.

One day, about a month ago Aura showed up at the Central Vet Clinic with a big lump on the back of her neck. It was removed surgically, but a few days later the dog returned with seizures and a lost vision.

Testing begun, the doctors suspected a blow to the head may have caused the illness. The diagnosis was corticoid-dependent encephalitis. The treatment worked fine, Aura had no more seizures, her eyes lost their redness and restored their reflexes, but… her world remained dark.

Meanwhile “Aura’s people” began to lose enthusiasm with her treatment. So mush hassle, too many expenses – what a waste of time, it’s so much easier to simply dump a dog. “That’s it from us, adio, Aura”… And so, the puppy that brought them expenses instead of profits was left to be euthanized at the clinic.

End? Is this really the end? Should we give up on her, because of the tests and medications she is needing? To just tell her “Aura, darling, your life costs too much, you are finished.
No, we can’t, we won’t! This story must end differently!

Aura is a purebred Labrador. Really – she is a happy-go-lucky dog, has a wonderful appetite, loves to play with other dogs and is very friendly and lovable. What is more, she has a real chance of being able to see again.

What Aura doesn’t have is – a friend. Someone to love her the way she is, to care for her and bring hr to the doctor, give her pills, monitor and help her on her way to health. Aura is looking for good people. For her Humans.

If you would like to help Aura, but can’t offer her shelter – you could donate something little for her HERE or directly at the reception desk of the Central Vet Clinic.

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