August walks

August is the month of holidays and that has its influence on our weekly walks in Bogrov. Less volunteers are coming – new and old ones. The Senior volunteers are less too because as many other people we have planned our vacations for this month. And all of this makes the walks a lot harder than usual. The prove – only 14 of 18 cages were walked this week. Sadly, but this is the truth. And as it seems the whole month probably will be like this.

Few people, hot weather, and many dogs – this is the current situation. Although we give our best the walks are slower than usual and at some point we don’t have time and energy to continue. But nevertheless we are still able to walk some of the dogs. And the rest will have to wait for their moment to come – next week.

The most important is that there are walks and we will continue to do everything to give those wonderful dogs their time for games, love and socialization. In no time the month will be over and everything will go back to normal. So let’s put your smiles, and with water and positive energy we will wait for you in Bogrov this week. There always will yhave walks!

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