All our cats went home for the Holidays!

It is with great pleasure and excitement that we can announce the lucky faith of ALL our cats who until recently were desperate to find loving homes through Animal Rescue Sofia.
We enter the New Year basically “catless” which makes us extremely happy!

We begin with the luckiest of all – Paul! An aristocratic, wise, cautious and friendly male of about 4 years. Paul used to live in his own home in the Sofia center and had an owner that must have loved him… Anyway – this summer he somehow found himself on the street and coping with loneliness and hunger.


The wonderful news is that Pauli is already at home and settled in very well in the home of Anie Manova who adopted him for Christmas! ! !

The second luckiest cat in this tale is cat lady Miranda! She was dumped in the street fat and purry in the beginning of this winter. The problems with mature cats is that they are seldom sought for – the older a cat is, the harder it is to rehome.

miranda pri viki

This is why we send our best regards to Vicky – the lady who adopted from us our oldest cat yet, 14 year old Bobi. Bobi has recently passed of old age and Vicky contacted us straight away – looking for the least adoptable cat we had. Thus – she met our kind Miranda! Miss Miranda is already feeling at home with Vicky and is loving her new fortune!

Tow very lucky angels are now in Germany! It is Mimmy and Maliunchik who have come to live together in Berlin in the happy home of our fellow-Bulgarian Martina Docherty!

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At the fosters and in their new home!

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We thank Maliunchik’s foster parents and Martina for the successful organizing of the quite complicated logistics in this quest! Maliunchik’s new name is now Whiskey and we believe these two couldn’t have been luckier!

Golden girl Zlatka is now in her new, happy home with Mitko and Sasho where she is doing her best to remain unseen, hiding under all possible beds and couches – cats are such experts in hide-and-seek!

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The good thing is that the game will soon be over and there is no more risk for Zlatka. Her owner was leaving to live abroad soon and Zlatka’s odds were looking grim until recently. Luckily for both – things worked out and lady Zlatka has a new home with Mitko and Sasho just in time!

Indira and Perun – two lovely cats with a very special story. It was the same evening when we published their photos- all grown and well-looking that Indira and Perun got people who wanted them in Holland! Our friend Selma called us straight away and the two kitties left for Ovidefarm with our last transport. Indira and Perun are already with their loving people:

indira i perun

Franko! One of two amazing kitties found on St.Fransis’ day (Oct 04) – the World Animal Day. He was adopted by a kind family that is looking to adopt a “brother” for their own cat.


Of course – getting used to the new environment is going slowly and any self-respectful cat would have it. Francesco will need a few weeks to show his true self. We congratulate Martina Ivanova who made the right choice – to save the life of her new best friend by adopting!

And finally – Jente! A sweet angel, abandoned together with her brother and sister at a veterinary clinic. The babies wouldn’t cope out in the street so the kind vets put them in a cage in and even found a home for the third, black brother. The two ladies remained “jailed” until we found a foster family for them – it was too sad to have them sitting behind bars during the Hollidays.

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The wonderful news is that Jente has gone home today to a wonderful new family! She was adopted by Bronwyn Anderson and will live happily in her home together with her cat Charleigh! ! !

The only kitten that we have left at this moment is Seeri – her little sister. Who knows, there are still 2 days left till the New Year – perhaps she will be lucky too!

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