A speedy grooming contest at the shelter this Saturday!


Dear volunteers,
as you know, with the heat-wave returning to our part of the world, our 500 furry buddies are in a hurry to get rid of their winter undercoat. It has been proven holistically that neither we, nor the dogs, care much about dog fur on our hands, clothes, food… The only one complaining about all the lose hair is… the shelter’s sewage system.

We need your help!
So, we are announcing a Saturday Grooming Contest!

This Saturday (July 04) we ask the volunteers to focus on the grooming of as many furry animals as possible from the large dog building.

We have some brushes and combs available, but if you’d rather use your own, or have seen what we have and prefer to bring something better – you are welcome to do so. The staff will be handing out bags in which to collect the lose fur.

At the end of the day the two volunteers whose bags are fullest will get:
I-st place – a t-shirt of their choice from the ARS shirts we have available at the shelter
II-nd place – a cup of their choice from the ARS cups we have available at the shelter

500 furry pals await you with huge excitement!
They don’t feel like wearing their wooly sweaters anymore…


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