Alexandra Mincheva is the new volunteers coordinator at Animal Rescue Sofia!
Alex is sisters with our previous volunteer coordinator and has already been doing her sisters’ task for quite a while.
Alex has been a devoted volunteer at the shelter for over 2 years now.
Genly and quietly – that is her style – she has been fabulous help for the dogs of Bogrov!
Come rain or come shine – Alex always finds the energy to give love and care
We count on her for our “voluneers”mail; together with Vicky they write the adds for the dogs from the shelter; she maintains our DMS page on Facebook; she and Vicky make sure that there is good coordination between the shelter team and the weekend volunteers… So much to do! Thank God there are two wonderful sisters!
Thank you, dear Alex, for being so devoted and watchful, it is a pleasure to be working with you always!
Vicky remains on the team, but she can no longer take on so much responsibility. Why? Well… she decided to become a court policewoman. Yes, it’s true! We are bewildered, but beleive that Bulgaria will be a better place if there were more police officers like herself. Congratulations, Vicky and good luck!
Upper right corner – Vicky on her last day at the police academy in Pazarjk