Marta looking for a home

“I am one young, extremely loving and obedient pet with perfect hygienе, which used to have its own home, but no loving owners in it. This is how, one day, they opened the door for me for a walk, and after that no one called me anymore (don’t be surprised, this is something typical in my country)! I wandered hungry and thirsty, until good people found me, neutered me and vaccinated me! I am now looking for a new home, where I would be loved and cared for.”


This is the short and painful story of sweet Marta, who, for her short life has been through the misfortune to become from men’s best friend to a burden for the people who once pretended to love her. This is how, left on fate’s mercy to survive on Sofia’s streets, our wonderful girl won the winning lottery ticket when randomly passing by people stopped next to her and took care of her. Now that she’s been neutered, vaccinated and dewormed, this princess is awaiting for her adopting ticket to be withdrawn from the Foster home lottery so that she can once and for always find her true family, whom she can give all her love to.


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