Jack came to the shelter at about 3 months. He was brought to us as a tiny, scared, shivering and shy pup. He grew up with us, in the shelter, but we never managed to convince him that the world happens to be a nice place for the jacks… The boy remained a bit anxious and easy to startle.
We were wandering what to do with him. Poor Jack cannot brag with a special appearance. Who would want him for a best friend?
Alexander and Yvette Todorovi came to the shelter looking for a dog to keep in their home at a nearby village. They wanted to find an animal that is calm and docile and in the same time needs help.
Being calm and patient people themselves, full of understanding and care, the kind people saw Jack . And although he did all that was in his power to present himself as a total idiot – they saw through to his kind heart. They felt it was him that needed them the most. And they took him home. Home to his own safe Heaven where it is quiet, private, clean and all his…
That a boy, Jack ! You’ve been blessed all this time! And you never told us…