A home for Evgeny and Jenny

Two good dogs with a similar destiny went home recently. Both were abandoned at the shelter entrance. The dumping of dogs at the shelter doors is a huge problem that we fight with all possible means. Despite our 24-hour security and the 50 watchful guards who will bark at any intruder – we still have this issue.

Sadly, when we tell the tens of people who want us to admit their dogs that there is no space – it is exactly what we mean: that there is no space. You would not believe how many people yell, swear, curse and act like total idiots when we refuse to take their dogs… At first we were shocked, but now we know these people actually think it is a normal thing to do. The problem is that when  one of these “rescuers” decides to dump a box of babies or an adult without our consent  he is not only placing the specific animal at risk, but also all of the dogs we already have.

Anyway, when it warms up we will probably put a surveillance camera on the road, so we can give more details to the Sofia Municipal Police when animals are being dumped. Certainly it not the dogs’ fault that these people are only thinking about themselves, so we try to do all that is in our power to help these poor animals. Here are two of them that got very lucky:

4-month old sweet baby Jenny came to us with her brother. They were shoved in a small cardboard box, lined with a piece of old carpet, that was about 3 months ago. Jenny’s little brother left for Germany with our last transports in 2012 and we were sad that’s he remained alone. It was Nicolay Baev who solved her problem with a wave of his hand! He chose Jenny to be his first dog, because she is such a calm, well-behaved lady. We are positive that she will make a very strong start in the beginning of Nikolay’s dog-owning career. We wish them health and happiness!

We said farewell to one of the favorite dogs of the shelter – good guy Evgeny. This smiling, cheerful, fun fellow came to us about a year ago – he was tied up to the shelter fence, quite puzzled by the loud barks he got as a welcome from his new 500 comrades. Of course – he didn’t bear a grudge, he is not that kind of guy.


A whole year passed since that day and there were no news for Evgeny. Not that we didn’t try – he was suggested to almost every person who came looking for a dog at our place. Still – no one liked him and he lingered behind. We are very lucky that the family of our vet d-r Ralitza Gergushka likes to adopt dogs from us! Evgeny, who generally doesn’t like the idea of cars quickly understood what was going on and loaded onto their car with no hassle, ready to go to his new happy life in the village of Brenitza, where he will be loved and happy for the rest of his days. We are so happy for him!

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