A firecracker in a dog’s face (Graphic images, 14+)

Valya, from Voluiak is about a year and a half old. The volunteers who brought her say she used to be a pet, half a husky who was dumped in the winter streets a couple of months ago. Only she knows what it cost her to adapt to the life of a homeless animal. But the truly scary ordeal was still yet to come for Valya.

The New Year’s Eve was welcomed in Sofia with the sound of what some would think was the Third World War. The would-be forbidden and outlawed firecrackers were solved openly in the markets. Thousands of birds lost their lives as a result of this madness. And Valya… she “only” lost an eye.

We can curse, get upset or whine as much as we want, but the fact is still a fact:

  • A human freak, a monster threw a firecracker at Valya.
  • In the face.
  • It exploded right into her eye.
  • And the life of Valia went from pitiful, hungry and cold, to also being excruciatingly painful.

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Our clinic at the Bogrov shelter cannot sustain complicated surgeries that require all sorts of expensive instruments. But, our chief surgeon d-r Marietta Stankova has the experience of over 6000 Spay/Neuter surgeries in her long career. Along with them – tumors, knife or gunshot wounds, hernia… There are so many different ways that a homeless animal can suffer.

D-r Stankova admitted good Valya already smelling of death – the infection was very serious and needed immediate treatment. The surgery took a long time – it was a gooey mess, all puss and flesh, and you know how dangerous a severe infection in the head can be.
Congratulations, Marietta! A job well done!

And good calm Valya, who really is an excellent dog, will remain in the shelter. She cannot go back into the reach of the human beast that did this to her “for fun”. The place of such good dogs is at home, with caring people. Let’s hope she finds them soon.


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