A few good Bogrovians at the Vet clinic

Dear friends,
we hope you will excuse this slight delay – we had technical issues, so we couldn’t post what’s been happening with Katya and Co. Here is what we managed to do for them at the Central Vet Clinic thanks to your kindness and generosity:

Katya was successfully operated by d-r Zlatinov and will be returning to the shelter for her recovery today. D-r Zlatinov says she has been in a lot of pain and we have caught the last chance of operating her without braking too much, as the leg was healing fast, but not in the right direction. He is sure she will be able to recover after the intervention.

Besides Katya, you have also helped us x-ray a few other dogs, who may not be so urgent cases, but needed it just as much.

Brownie, our sweet fool has had problems since the weather worsened. He hasn’t been steady with his hind legs and can’t walk as well as he used to. The x-rays don’t show anything with his spine, so the doctors assumed he was in pain because of the cold. We have put him on pain-relief and await the results.

Trisha, from the Old dogs’ nursery has been coughing like an owl for the last few weeks and the treatment we did on her was unsuccessful. Her x-rays showed that she had a chronic bronchitis and needs to be staying in a place much warmer than our shelter is. For now she will be stationed at the quarantine block, but we have to figure out something for her.

Ronny, whom was probably forgotten by you – a guy who was operated a few months ago for a very complicated injury has been checked as well. He has some issues and also it is time to have the metal plates removed from the leg.

Lovely Tray was there for a check-up only, d-r Vasilev is satisfied with the way he is going. We have to add some new moves to his physiotherapy and hopefully, he will be walking well in a few weeks.

Once more, we thank you for bringing health and happiness to the most hated creatures – the homeless dogs of Sofia.

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