Granny Dora is an 11-12 year old mittelschnauzer. She was brought to us by her owners. Everyone has a reason, perhaps people expect us to sympathize to them, but we cannot. We simply can’t when we see the horror in the eyes of a dumped old dog. Especially knowing that such old animals are least likely to find adoptive families…
The good old lady had a big mammary tumor that we had removed. We vaccinated her, microchipped her and… put her in a cage to wait. Half a year passed – and nothing followed. Granny Dora became a good friend with all her inmates, she grew a long hair, our colleagues cut off her beard… She stopped looking like a schnauzer and lost all chances of being adopted…
Winter is the hardest time for all oldies – but especially for the dogs. Every winter the group at the Old dogs’ nursery shrinks it’s size – one by one the old doggies head for the Rainbow Bridge. Granny Dora was cold even with the big coat she had on for the winter. We had nothing to offer her, but to sit and wait.
And it was worth the waiting! Our good friend and professional cynologist Luba Zhivkova asked for a very special Christmas “gift” from her family. She asked for another dog in their home – an abandoned old pet that they could save. Granny Dora.
Today granny lives in her own house with three people who love her and a bunch of playful huskies whom she became good friends with. They are not allowed on the couch – but she is!
Luba says that Dora is the kindest, sweetest and best in the world. She has even begun frowning when she is served kibble – she wants to be cooked for! But she gets soaked dry food instead – Luba doesn’t want her gums to hurt from all the chewing she mush do…
What a dream come true for this oldie! Good luck Dora and Luba!