A day in the life of Santra

Just another day. The Good dog is jumping around her owner, happy and excited. Hurray! A walk! Where are we going? She jumps into the car, thrilled to be going somewhere new and interesting. The car stops and the trunk flies open – Great! Where are we? Oh, how fresh and interesting everything smells! What… Hey! WAIT!!!! What’s going on!? Wait, open the car, quick, I didn’t manage to get back in! Stop! Heeey! Have you forgotten me?! Why are you  not taking me!? Please, wait, I am right here, behind you! Hey!!! Can’t you see me in the rear-view mirror, wait!!! Please, take me, please, don’t go!! Please… stop… stop… And the car disappears down the road, and before anyone knows it the Good Dog has become a Stray Dog, doomed to hurt and wander alone in despair.

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Meet Santra – a kind-hearted and kind Rottweiler, dumped in the street by her heartless owners in the middle of the winter. In the first weeks outside Santra was hopping around on 3 legs, in time, she begun to use her front paw as a walking stick. Animals like her rarely make it outside. The other dogs sense their weakness and push them out of the Food Chain until they slowly, but certainly find their way Beyond.

Such was the future of our little Santra too. We admitted her to the shelter only skin and bones, with a strangely crooked leg and just before a season – a full set of misery, so to speak. We were really hoping to be able to fix her front leg, but unfortunately – her condition has proven to be untreatable. Her body has reacted to the break by forming a false joint, causing her great discomfort and permanent pain, according to the kind doctors at the Central Vet Clinic.

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Thus, Santra became yet another 3-legged girl at the Bogrov shelter. Another one of those wonderful, kind, perfectly lovable cripples that will have to wait long months, or even years until we manage to find her a Human. The evil that was caused by irresponsibility, laziness and a heart of stone bit off Santra’s front leg, but was unable to swallow her heart. Santra remains as kind, loving and faithful as she was. Because even without a home a Good Dog is a good dog. Now all we have to do is wait for the Good Human to come along.

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