EDIT – 08.11.2012
From your friends Tray and Chichi – the kindest regards! Thanks to you Tray got his operation and Chichi said goodbye to the necrotized leg that was bothering her. The two feel great and are recovering successfully:
EDIT – 02.11.2012 – 11:20
Dear friends,
the funds for Tray’s and Chichi’s operations have been raised! We are already scheduling an appointment for them at the Central Vet Clinic.
THANK YOU for not letting them go lame!!! The little ones are really lovely animals, both of them, come visit them at the shelter after they are operated, you will see.
We wish that all the kindness you spread comes back to you triple!
Chichi has been living in the personnel brake-room for the past month and managed to become everyone’s favorite in this time. Every person that goes in the room brings her a snack, she is such a funny and kind puppy. Chichi arrived at the shelter with 2 siblings – dumped babies all of them ill with parvovirosis. The boys didn’t make it, but she did.
Chichi’s leg had no sensibility when she arrived. The diagnosis: a paralysis of the nerve. Just like what Raffael has, but only in her case – she knows not how to protect her leg, she keeps dragging it on the ground and hitting it in every obstacle.
We started her on Nivaline the moment she arrived, hoping there is a chance to recover the nerve. Meanwhile we treated her for the parvovirus and she made it through the treatment. Unfortunately – the leg was beyond salvation. There were only more and more bruises, scratches and wounds on it.
Now the leg has begun to dry off. She is not in pain, but there are many problems that could follow if we do not amputate it immediately. Unfortunately, the procedure costs 150 BGN that we absolutely cannot afford. She doesn’t have much time, it is dangerous for her to keep this dead leg any longer.
Tray is an amazing, sweet dog that we have had ever since he was a little baby. He came in a vegetable tray with his siblings, all different in their looks, perhaps you know one of them – Meteora.
Since he is such a sweetheart – kind, playful, delicate and gentle we offered him for rehoming in Holland. People there liked him and he was supposed to travel this week. But when the time came for a final examination… Why is Tray limping all of a sudden!?
Sadly, when we had him x-rayed it turned out he has a very complicated bone fracture that needs immediate assistance. We can only guess how it happened. He must have been playing vigorously and hit himself, or perhaps jumped and fell on the concrete floor… In any case, the fracture goes through the bone and up to the joint.
It is a very complicated fracture and requires immediate surgery if he is to live without pain and on all fours when he grows up. If we don’t treat him, his condition will become irreparable.
But what to do??? It costs too much – 400BGN that we cannot afford.
Tray already missed his chance of sleeping in his own cozy bed this weekend… Will he also miss his chance of being healthy and pain-free till the rest of his days? Can you help him?
Tray’s and Chichi’s surgeries will cost a total of 550BGN (290E). But the shelter can’t afford this expense. Sadly, they can’t be delayed, both are urgent. We need to make a decision now…
Can you help? Even by a little?
Let’s try to raise this money, these babies deserve a healthy life without pain!
If you can, you can donate for them by bank, by PayPal or e-pay ON THIS LINK.
You can also leave something for them at the Central Veterinary Clinic, but make sure to tell them the money is “for the ARS bill”.
From Tray and Chichi to all that will respond – a happy, wet kiss!
They are such innocent souls… they have no clue how bad things are for them.
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