Katy, disfigured by a wolf trap (Graphic photos)

Katy is a girl we took in after she was severely disfigured by a wolf trap. Thanks to your great support, she got a new nose, and all of her remaining tissues fixed to have a normal, happy life. Here you can see the updates to her story, the original plea for help and her story can be found below.

UPDATE 17/10/2016

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Update 03/04/2016

We had a Katysday at the Pets&U store! Our warmest thanks to everyone who came to visit the girl. Starting from the morning, straight on to the late afternoon out princess had friends to cuddle and pet her.

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At the end of the day, Katie went home to the farm with food for half a life; a lovely new collar that we will keep for her until she is adopted; and a money-bank with donations (125E), that we will use to have her neutered at a clinic that has inhalation anesthetic equipment.

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Katy didn’t find her adopter at Katysday, but don’t worry – she has her place with us and we will love her dearly, until a new home is found for her. And there will be a home for her, you can be sure. When so many people send their best wishes, no other outcome is possible, but a good one.

UPDATE 25/03/2016

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You can now read the story of Katy’s two boys – Milcho and Zachary, adopted in Holland.


We are throwing a party for Katy next weekend! You are invited. Follow THIS LINK for the Facebook event and details.

UPDATE 09/12/2015

Katy is back at the Farm.
She is calm, very happy with the human company and not so much with the other dogs – she still feels vulnerable. Her recovery is going well, the girl is drinking and eating all by herself. Here, you can see her taking a walk with Vessy and being camera-shy.

UPDATE 04/12/2015

Katy has went through another trial successfully. D-r Zlatinov removed the supporting implants from her nose. She no longer needs them, because her new nostrils are healing in the correct shape. To put it short: Katy now has her own, unique nose. And she will be able to breathe normally with it.

For now, she has some remaining infection in the nose, which is normal, minding the state she came in and all the procedures performed on it. The antibiotics are slowly and steadily getting rid of the germs, and d-r Zlatinov is satisfied with the girl and her recovery.

Otherwise, Katy is doing really well. Little by little she is gaining strength and her pain-relief is in smaller doses, which makes her also more alert.

The fight continues.

UPDATE 30/11/2015


Everything is OK!
The brave little lion (she really does look like one) doesn’t have much energy, but is pain-free, with a normal temperature, and the antibiotics are doing their job. The fight continues.

UPDATE 26/11/2015

The first and most important intervention for Katy has been completed successfully. D-r Zlatinov of the CVC admitted her for immediate surgery due to the urgency of her infection. He removed many infected bone particles, as well as teeth. During this operation the doctor also used the anesthetic to make a preparation for the surgical molding of nostrils.

Katy’s condition remains critical, due to the high leukocyte count in her blood-work. Infections in the head, especially ones that have progressed so far, are considered highly critical, the next steps in her treatment will be planned according to the recovery.

If everything is all right and Katy continues to fight for her life with the same vigor, we are to look for a way to reconstruct a nose for her to be able to breathe normally. D-r Zlatinov is searching for a suitable implant (something similar to a little tube) for that, we will inform you as soon as he has reached a decision. This is a photo of the girl immediately after surgery:

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So far Katy has received 840Е in donations, 370 have already been spent to cover her first manipulations. The rest will be used for her treatment and stay at the CVC 24/7 intensive care, and according to the treating veterinarian’s plan. Currently, we are waiting for the infection to settle down, and for Katy to regain some strength.

A necessary addition. We read some comments that we’re playing merciful and using a dog that should be euthanized to make noise.
We want to really stress on the fact that Katy has good chances of making it through this nightmare and live a life without pain and suffering. Her biggest obstacle would be lack of funds for her treatment – and people have really stood up for her, giving her a real chance to make it with d-r Zlatinov’s help.
We have seen many dogs at the edge in our years of work. And we know how brave and fearless a dog’s heart can be, when it feels loved by people. We’d never play rescue with a dog that doesn’t have a chance to make it, or strength to fight the pain.
We are here, doing what we do, because we love dogs. And that means we go through every step of their battle for life together.

A CRY FOR HELP: KATY 08/12/2015

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Katy is a tiny girl from the Lozen village.
Katy has no nose.
Katy has no muzzle.
Katy has: a huge heart; two healthy puppies; unbearable pain.

These are current photos of Katy.
Please, don’t open them if you are sensitive, they are frightening.

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And this is a wolf trap.
Food is put in the center, and when the animal picks it up, the trap shuts mercilessly on a leg, neck or face.

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So pregnant Katy found a piece of tasty food in a trap. She reached for a bite, the trap shut and crushed her face, ripping the nose off. Wild with pain, the girl found shelter in a shed near the house of a kind people who started feeding her.

A true Dog – Katy didn’t give up. She leant to live with the pain, to somehow eat. She managed to give birth. She managed to remain kind and gentle. She managed to raise two healthy and happy pups. But she could not fight off the infection, she couldn’t grow a nose, she couldn’t save herself.

Katy is now at the Central Veterinary Clinic, where d-r Zlatinov is fighting to urgently remove at least the rotting bone particles in her jaw. But, she will need a few surgeries – so she can live without pain, feed better, breathe through something that would replace a nose…

Katy has no money. And the shelter cannot afford her treatment.
You are her only chance.
Up until now, her treatment costs 240E, and if we really want to solve her problems – more will be needed in the future.

37 Dragan Tzankov blvd, Sofia, BG
IBAN BGN: BG07FINV91501215999954
IBAN EUR: BG50FINV91501215999956
BENEFICIARY: A R Sofia Foundation
ADDRESS: 23 James Bourchier blvd, Sofia, BG

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Please, if you are able, make a donation for Katy, she is a wonderful girl and doesn’t deserve to live in this pain. We may not be able to make her pretty at first glance, but she doesn’t know people are frightened of her, she only knows how to love – from all her heart.

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It’s amazing that Katy not only managed to survive, but to also nurse and raise her pups, both in perfect condition. Huge thanks to Denitsa, who will foster them until they are old enough to be admitted to the Farm.

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