A CRY FOR HELP: Juanita from Kazichene


Thank you! Huana has been successfully operated and is back at our shelter – as friendly and sweet as ever!



Thank you! The funds for Huana’s surgery have been raised! She will be operated later on today by d-r Vladi Zlatinov, keep your fingers crossed for her!

This is a message we received from Stoyan, a good boy from Kazichene, 13 years old:

Hello, Animal Rescue Sofia. I thought I should write you in hope that you will answer my cry for help. There is a little dog in the village (now neighborhood) of Kazichene, a year old or younger. I really want to help her, but I am only 13 and cannot do anything. She disappears from time to time and comes back wounded, only this time, she has a broken front leg. I feed her regularly, but we really need your help. Please help!

Although the shelter is overcrowded (perhaps we should finally get used to this situation and be done with it), we could not put a death ear on this plea. Thursday morning Kremena was in Kazichene to pick up Huana – the 7-8 month old dog that Stoyan had caught, waiting for us to arrive:

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The little sweetheart did not bite or cry, like most dogs would do if they were in her situation. She was absolutely thrilled with the attention. For her people are the Number 1 in the list of Best things that can be seen on this planet. She looks around with great curiosity, asking in her eyes – what’s next? Juana accompanied Kremi to the Central Veterinary Clinic where she got her very first personal item – an x-ray:


Dear friends, Stoyan and Juana need your help!
Juana’s broken bone has begun to heal in the wrong direction. To be able to straighten-up the bone and let Juana use her leg free of pain a difficult surgery must be performed at a high price: BGN 380 (195 E).

If we manage to raise the amount needed and Juana gets the surgery she can’t walk without, Juana will remain at the shelter for adoption after her recovery. We are sure, there is a family out there who will be able to give her the human love and company she craves for.

It is a lot of money. But then… there are a lot of us too! Could you help?

The two young heroes don’t deserve to be passed by and lose their faith in people.
If you think so too, you can DONATE through PayPal, ePay and by bank.
You can also leave money at the CVC registration, just make sure you tell them it is for the bill of ARSofia.

WE THANK every kind person who will respond to this cry for help.
And warmest regards from Juanita!

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