A CRY FOR HELP: Funds needed for a badly injured puppy

Dear friends,
the funds for Emmy’s surgery have been raised!

We are still in debt to the wonderful doctors at the Central Vet Clinc, owing our credit limit  for various dogs’ surgeries and tests we had to do urgently last days (we will inform you of them later this week). If you would like to help us with a small sum to cover our debt you can donate to us or do it directly at the clinic’s reception.

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CLICK HERE for Emmy’s recovery

Emmy is only 4 months old, but she already knows pain and horror.
She was hit by a car badly and losing her blood on the pavement when she was spotted under a parked car by some kind people.

The family was going on vacation with their children and noticed her accidentally. Despite all the blood, the journey and the children, the family couldn’t pass by and spent over an hour in trying to get the terrified baby out of the parked car. Then they rushed her to us.

But… it is summer. Our Ford is badly broken – we don’t have the money to fix it, we don’t have a vehicle for the shelter. We had to explain to the people that she has to be x-rayed, but needs to be stitched-up first, because she is losing too much blood. They weighted over an hour and brought her for x-rays.

Sadly, Emmy turned up with two broken legs. And whilst one could heal itself with a simple splint, the other needs a complicated surgery – a resection of the pelvic joint.

As you have already understood and as it happens every summer – the shelter is in a tough situation. The donations have dropped by 40%, and many liabilities have piled up. We’ve had so many urgent cases: a dog with perforated small intestines; a bling Labrador pup who needed very complicated tests; sweet Lilly who needed an urgent second operation… Check mate.

Poor Emmy’s operation would cost 170E, but will probably not take place.
Our debt to the Central Vet Clinic is too large, we have gone over our limit. At the moment Emmy is at the shelter on pain-relief. Her surgery is urgent – Emmy will lose her leg if she is not treated shortly.

Would you help her keep her leg?
You can DONATE HERE for Emmy’s surgery, or you can leave something for her directly at the check-in desk at the Central Vet Clinic. The kind, gentle, sweet Emmy will be thanking you every step she makes…

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