A CRY FOR HELP: for the paws of Belcho, DeeDee, Mirka, Lilly and Squirrel

EDIT- 14.11 –  after the hospital

So, what happened to our heroes?
On the very next day after you raised all the necessary means for them (even a bit more!), the animals were loaded and brought to the CVC where the following happened:

DEEDEE: The leg that was bothering her was amputated successfully. The girl if feeling great and is back at the shelter. Seems like she had too much pain as she is much too cheerful for an amputated animal at the moment.

BELCHO: We will try to have the ostheosynthetic elements stay as they are, the wound will be treated and monitored, the doctors believe that he could pass without a surgery. We hope so too as it is complicated and expensive. There is an improvement after 5 days of treatment, so we hope things will go smoothly.

SQUIRREL: Our vets had been worrying in vain. The x-rays showed he was healing quite well and his external brace was removed. You cannot believe how glad he was to be rid of it!

IMPORTANT NOTICE! Since Squirrel’s expense was smaller than we and the doctors anticipated, what was left from his bill (and a generous donation from an anonymous angel) were used to re-operate SIVCHO’s hind leg. Sadly, Sivcho’s friends never raised the money to help him as they had promised and we were in a pickle what to do. Now, the boy is operated again, please cross your fingers for him!

MIRKA: The problem with this sweet lady’s leg turned out to be an old brake that had healed badly. We will not operate her now, she will go through physiotherapy and get her treatment a few times a day. She has quite the pain, but it is better than a surgery knife.

LILLY: The new limp she got turned out to be something she will always have when the weather is bad. We were told she has to lose some weight and be found a loving warm home ASAP.

DUSHKA – a bonus: Since there were 40BGN more left at the clinic, we managed to sneak in one more dog that needed a control check-up. Dushka, who was shot with a live cartilage and operated twice was x-rayed. The doctors are very glad with her recovery. We will continue her therapy and hopefully in two months will be able to put a happy end to this horrible story.

Once again we THANK  YOU for helping!!! Thank you for caring, thank you for being there for the most hated. You are saving lives. Truly.

EDIT – Nov 09; 12p.m.

Dear friends!!!

The funds, needed for the surgeries of Squirrel and Deedee have been raised, they will be operated today!

The funds, needed for the X-rays and diagnostics for Belcho and Mirka as well as the funds for the controll x-ray and examination of Lilly have been raised! The dogs are on their way to the clinic!

THANK YOU for proving once more that there is Good all around us! On behalf of the dogs – thank you for being their friends, for not letting them down, for giving what you can afford for their health and happiness! We will keep you informed about their health.

5 dogs, each one with their own destiny, need help. Sadly, the procedures and x-rays they need cannot be done at our clinic. They require technology and specialists that our clinic simply cannot afford.
Please, take a couple of minutes to read about the destiny of the 5 heroes – they have no one else to turn to…


Belcho is one of the dogs of Liudmila – an old lady whose dogs we “inherited” together with the shelter from the municipal company Ecobalance. You know them if you have been to the shelter – they are the dogs in the two cages on the far left of the building. For those of you who don’t know her – Liudmila is a kind, reserved, senior person whose life is all for the 50 dogs she has. She has been caring for them for years and despite the many complications we have had with her during that time we can say she is really a unique woman. Come rain or shine the tiny lady crosses all of the city to get to her dogs every single day, clean them up, give them a pet on the head and feed them with the kibble we give her. Her huge dogs (most of them are heavier than she is) also love her as loyally, despite the fact no one except her can enter their cages. CLICK HERE to see Liudmila on BNT taxi.

Now one of Liudmila’s dogs needs help. Huge guy Belcho was operated a couple of years ago. The vets who did the operation said there were no metal parts left in his bone, but apparently – it’s not true. Now his leg is badly infected and has to be x-rayed and probably re-opened. We can’t do that without help – you know how the situation at the shelter is in the moment and Liudmila can’t pay for that from her tiny pension. Belcho’s x-rays and diagnosis will cost 50BGN. We need to know what is happening, pray there is no need for surgery…


You know him, right? He’s been with us for quite a while now. We called him this because he was sitting on his hind with his front paws in the air, bent at the most impossible angle. The poor guy must have been lying under a car somewhere, because he had the strangest and toughest fracture on both his front legs, as if something huge, but soft crushed them. He was operated last month an successfully too, but unfortunately one of his legs is not doing as well as the doctors hoped. He now needs an additional surgery with a different technology. But go back to our problem – money…

Squirrel is a kind soul. Despite all the suffering he still finds the thought of human love and care the most compelling and amazing thing ever. He will gently wag his tail even for the vets at the clinic who are usually the most hated of people, this is how much love he has in him.

Sadly, his surgery can’t be cheap as it is a complicated one – it would cost 350BGN.
Yes, it is 200BGN more than an amputation would cost, but an amputation will really damage his chances of being successfully rehomed… The shelter has too many lovely 3-legged pals, nobody wants them. And the lively Squirrel would so much love to run… We shouldn’t do this to him, friends. Let’s try and raise this bloody money, he deserves it so much!


Sadly, it is too late for Deedee’s leg. She came to us with the Ecobalance – for neutering. No need to tell you – you can see for yourself how bad her condition is. Poor girl has a very old fracture that has healed in the most horrible way, nearly in a zigzag. The pain she must have is great, but it is only one of her worries – the girl is so underweight that you could lift her with one hand, she is totally incapable to find her own food outside.

If we manage to raise the funds for her amputation DeeDee will remain with us in the shelter. It’s not much, but at least she will have a place to sleep and decent food every day. She will not survive the winter on the streets in this condition, that is for sure…
DeeDee’s life hangs on the hope of raising 150BGN, so we can remove the painful crooked leg that has been torturing her.


Here is one girl you know for sure. This little angel has been with us for months – she was just a little black mongrel in a huge pain when we got her.  Lilly went through quite a hell, but succeeded.  Mainly because she is such a good creature.

Lilly after her surgery

Lilly lives in a cage in the shelter corridor, but spends her days outside with Brownie or Granddad Yotzo. We don’t tie her up, she knows she is at home with us.

Lilly today

Now is time for her check-up x-rays, but they are also 50BGN we can’t afford. Poor girl has no clue that  she can be stranded without adequate follow-up treatment. She is too good to know what money is.


Mirka is just a huge baby. She came to us to be neutered, also caught by Ecobalance. Her problems are very unclear; we need an experienced orthopedic doctor to diagnose her after she has had x-rays done. We can only tell she is not using one of her hind legs and already has muscle atrophy on her hip.

To find out what is wrong with her and see if we can help the little bear we need 50BGN – for her x-rays and diagnostics. Sadly, as you’ve already figured after all being said – we can’t help her without  your support.

650 LEVA (342E)

650 leva…
This is the amount needed for the orthopedic problems of these 5 good dogs, even with the big discounts we get from our friends at the Central Vet Clinic.
The shelter can not spare this money. We do not have it.
What to do? Can these good souls count on you, or are you as bad with the money as we are?
Yes, it’s quite the sum, but there is quite a lot of us… If we get together we could help these silly doggies, we could give them the run they dream of every night…

If you are able to help – please, donate for Belcho, DeeDee, Mirka, Lilly and Squirrel ON THIS LINK by PayPal, e-pay or by bank.
We thank everyone who will chip in. And we pray there are many of us!


From your friends Tray and Chichi – the kindest regards! Thanks to you Tray got his operation and Chichi said goodbye to the necrotized leg that was bothering her. The two feel great and are recovering successfully:

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