The puppies in the puppygarten are hungry and beg for food before their evening meal
Dear friends,
as you know 1/3 of the food at the shelter is provided by the Sofia Municipality. What we do is – a few days before we need them to deliver, we send them a protocol about the number of dogs we have; then Ecobalance makes their calculation and send us the necessary amount of food.
But it will not happen this week! Without any warning we received the most shocking surprise: they have not signed a contract with a supplier and there is no food for the municipal shelters. We are totally unprepared for this expense. Thanks to a few donations we received recently – we have food for three more days, if we lower the portion – four. But what will we do after that?
Help us make it through the month! Donate any small sum – we buy food for 1,10 BGN (0,60 Eur) per kilogram and will lower the ration to 250 kilograms per day. There are always problems with the dogs when we distribute less food, but we have no choice.
We will gladly accept donations in food. Please, keep in mind that we can buy it for less as a large customer, cheaper than you can get it in stores. If you decide to buy, please get the food at a large super-chain like LIDL, it is the quantity that counts with us more than the quality.
Any, even the smallest sum, will be used. Please, help us feed them!
Their ration is lowered to 25kg per meal and the babies gulp it down in no time