EDIT 12.04.2013
Cuba’s surgery has been finished. It was more complicated than anticipated because of the infeciton, but was successfull. Cuba must remain at the Central Vet Clinic for a few more days and will come back to us for phisiotherapy when she is released. Keep your figers crossed!EDIT 11.04.2013
Dear friends, the funds for Cuba’s surgery have been raised! We are passing on her thanks to you, but will not lick your hand, like she would like to! 🙂
Cuba is a tiny puppy from a village in the outskirts of Sofia. Born in the bushes by an un-spayed mother, the little angel was the only one to remain alive from the litter. She made a life for herself in the village center, where she befriended the local old guy – Pesho. Pesho and Cuba were living in the square in front of the local shop minding their own business in peace and quiet, just as any two good and calm dogs would.
Until, 5 days ago, some guy – whose name we are not being told, but who is known to the locals, got in his car and purposely hit Cuba. She squealed and ran, so he went back and hit her again, this time – leaving her flat on the ground. The little baby remained there, the car drove off and life continued as usual.
The soft-hearted shop-keepers kept on feeding old Pesho and straggling Cuba. A day or two later, the tip of the broken bone tore through the skin, explaining her dizzy state and closed eyes… Days and nights went by in loneliness and despair. Day 1 – night 1 – day 2 – night 2 – day 3 – night 3 – day 4 – night 4 – day 5 – night 5… that is just too much pain for a little 4-month old girl, way too much.
It is hard to imagine the suffering that the little angel has been through in these 5 days. There are not many animals, or even people who would remain calm and kind whilst going through such an ordeal. To Cuba – that is not a question at all. Her love for people is something that goes without saying. People are made for loving, she knows that like she knows the air is for breathing – it needs no explanation or special effort, it simply is.
Doctors Stankova and Ilieva cleaned the wound and cut-off the tip of the protruding bone
Cuba’s situation is bad. 5 days of agonizing pain has materialized in huge amounts of puss around her protruding bone. She needs an operation immediately – for her leg to be saved, it needs internal and external fixation, because her bones are very thin from the poor quality food she has had.
The price for Cuba’s operation is too high for the shelter – 370BGN (190E). We cannot afford to pay this amount of money for a single dog, we simply don’t have it. Unfortunately, it cannot wait – if we put her on hold she will have to be hospitalized for amputation, not surgery.
Dear friends, this really is URGENT and the dog is fantastic – one of those innocent, naïve creatures that should always be helped with all possible means.
If you have the possibility to help, however small your help might be – please, donate for Cuba by PayPal or by bank AT THIS LINK.
You can also leave a donation directly at the desk of the Central Vet Clinic, just tell them it is for the bill of Animal Rescue Sofia. Thank you!