A CRY FOR HELP: 10 days in agony for Pooh

EDIT 10:00, 22.10.2012
A month had passed and Pooh was unable to recover. Last 10 days, slowly and steadily, his condition deteriorated. He was admitted to the clinic and cared for by all possible means. The doctors did all they could, but it was not meant to be.
We euthanized Pooh late last night. Rest in peace, dear boy. We are so sorry for the pain our kind cost you, we are so sorry we couldn’t provide you the happiness we intended.

EDIT 09:00, 28.09.2012
Pooh’s surgeries were done yesterday successfully. Unfortunately he will never regain his eyesight, but everything else is fixed. D-r Zlatinov’s opinion is that the cat will never see again, unfortunately too much time has passed from his trauma.
Veska, Methody and Pooh thank you with all their hearts. We will keep you informed.

EDIT 0:45, 27.09.2012

Dear friends, the funds, necessary for Pooh’s surgery have been raised. We don’t know how to thank you for your kindness. We only hope it comes back to you in your life.

We will book an appointment for his three surgeries tomorrow morning. Cross your fingers for the good boy.

If there is any information – we will make sure to let you know.

This here is Pooh. Because the people who found him lying in a pool of blood think he is “such a handsome, fluffy boy!”.

Excuse me, but are we looking at the same cat or are the kind people seeing more than what we do? Because when we look at him we see all the grief in the world – a good boy, one of those most friendly cats, kicked in the face with so much hate that:

  • He has a broken jaw;
  • He has a broken nose;
  • He has a punctured palate;
  • He has lost his vision.

What is more: Pooh cannot walk normally. Pooh has to be fed with a syringe in microscopic doses, because he can’t swallow. Pooh turns round and round in circles. Pooh can’t see. Pooh breathes heavily and with difficulty. Pooh is in a horrible pain. Pooh is the embodiment of every sad thing you can think of.

But despite all that – Veska and Metody have done all they can for ten days now, all they can to help him fight death. Ten horrible days they cared for him, hugged him, washed him, loved him, fed him and gave him hope and comfort. And they had to hear the worst of all diagnosis – “death of poverty”. Who cares about some pain, just another homeless cat with a sad story, after all… Thank you and goodbye.

But there is a home for Pooh! Even in the way he is now, he is greatly loved, there are people who give him all the love they have and they will do so till his last day, whenever it may come. However, they are totally unable to pay for his treatment. Even so, they don’t have the heart to let him go, they fight together. But Pooh’s life can only be saved with an expensive set of surgeries.

Pooh will live if he is operated. The necessary sum is 650BGN (approx.335E). If you have any means to help them – please do. Veska, Metody and poor good Pooh deserve a friendly hand. It is a lot of money, but then – there are many of us too. We can put a happy end to this sad story. If you can, even if it’s by very little – DONATE FOR POOH HERE. Thank you!

PS Taro, the kitten whose life you saved says “Hi!” from his recovery at his foster home, thanking you for his life every single day.

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