What would life look like if we would see it through the eyes of a 12-13 year old dog that has huge tumors and has just been dumped on the street in the ice cold winter? Lucy knows the answer to that question, because last week, she has been lucky – she was dumped in the hallway of a living block, her owner threw her in, closed the door and took off.
There are few things as pathetic as an abandoned old dog. As if the Earth has been stolen from underneath it’s feet, the old dog can’t understand change and expects life to go back to the normal routine. Old dogs don’t like new things, but Lucy is going to have to get used to many new things.
Let’s take a look at the facts – it may sound very sad, but the honest truth is that Lucy’s world has turned around and in a good way. Instead of agonizing in pain from her hellish tumors, alone, cold, hungry, scared… she fell into the hands of d-r Marietta Stankova.
Meaning that Lucy has been through very complicated surgery and her tumors were removed. Once again – it was very difficult surgery – not only the huge, ulcerous bit, but there were many large lumps all the way. Probably the genius who had her also stuffed her with estrus suppressing hormones – a true poison to the female dog organism. CLICK HERE if you want to see what it did to her, but please, note the graphic content.
And so? What do we do with a 13-year-old Pekingese? It’s obvious she can’t stay at the shelter, it’s obvious she would be a nightmare to rehome locally.
OK, lets’s cut the suspense, you deserve to know straight away – she has been found a home in Switzerland, she will travel! Lucy only needs a little time to get her strength back and she will be a spoiled baby in the land of chocolates. What is more: she is already at her foster home, recovering. So – is she a lucky or a pitiful dog – we have no idea, you decide for yourself.
We can only be glad that yet another dog has been saved from the vulturous claws of death, for at least a few years on. We hope she is strong soon so she can go to her new, happy life for as long as she can enjoy it. Every day is a day stolen for this little angel…
Dear friends, to be able to help dogs like Lucy – we need your support. The shelter is funded through donations only – that means we are always working in severe deficiency.
Please, if you think we are doing something useful – help us, even if it is by something small, your help matters and we cannot do without it. If you decide to save a life through our work – DONATE FOR THE SHELTER HERE.
We count on the regular, monthly donations that help us have at least a small sure amount for the dogs.
We cordially thank the 300 people who help us regularly. Lucy owes her life to you, dearest of friends…