5 cats have found their loving homes!

Doctor Song

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Bagira Song – that is the lovely name our black pearl got in her new home with Elena Nikiforova – it was love at first sight. We will not tell you exactly how Bagira sits in Elena’s lap, how she purrs and melts away in her arms, of course you know it – she is a one and only, most wonderful, beautiful and loved by her new mom! Little Bagira Song found her way into a wonderful family that already have their share of ARS pets for which we are very grateful!

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Deaf Remi


Sad Remi… After his wonderful mother Moyra passed (we lost Moyra the night after her successful amputation at the clinic), poor little deaf Remi was alone for the first time in his life. In the silence and isolation our poor boy seemed like someone had pulled the Earth away from under his feet…

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The happy end we hoped to bring to both of their sad stories only came for Remi. He was adopted by Irena Telkieva! Irena traveled from Stara Zagora two times for him and the white boy finally found the love and security he dreamt of. We thank Irena from all our hearts for giving him this chance to be happy and truly loved!

Joyful Rijko

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Tihomira Naneva and Kalin Chernev have taken little Rijko home! This small and amazingly friendly, energetic tomcat just appeared out of nowhere in the city – full of fleas, very hungry, with a voice of an opera-star and incredibly friendly to all! His kind people called us looking for a social, sweet cat and wanted to have a girl, and not an orange one, so they simply had to bring home Rijko. Nothing happens by accident – and it’s not their fault that they just didn’t know what their cat looked like, before they met him!


Leo and Chriska

Chrisy and Leo are two pet cats, a brother and a sister that were dumped on the street by the grateful descendants of an elderly lady who wasn’t there to protect them anymore. When Destiny was making her decisions about the two she gave Leo all the beauty and Chrissy all the kindness. So – two kitties – one frightened lovely gray lion and a cheerful one-eyed girl were left out in the street – never having set foot outside before in their lives…


History repeats itself and just as the bad guys do it all over again, the good guys who can never find this sort of thing normal – are there to help as well. With a huge effort a foster home (full of animals) was found, with an even bigger, international effort – an organization that wanted them in Austria was discovered, and just as things were starting to look brighter (with the help of a panicked, biting Leo) the plan failed and the cats went back to Step 1…

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Karin Burger. This is the name of the fairy that said a firm NO to the helplessness and despair that were taking hold of these cats’ lives. Now the two heroes are with her in Germany – safe and sound and very, very happy. Nothing is left of that shivering Leo, he is now the honorable Mr.Leon who hates cameras, but loves the unique outside enclosure he shares with his sister and rescued kitties from Spain. And Chrissy – well, she need not change one bit – she’s always been a dear sweetheart!

Foster carers needed

We urgently need cat-loving people for THIS lovely bunch. Please, don’t pass on by – take a look at them, you cannot imagine what a joy it is to have a fostered kitten! You will never regret this decision. Although you might regret the fact you cannot have 100 cats, as you would like to once you see what a great thing life with a few kitties can be!

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