Brandy is dog nuber 400 to be neutered at the Bogrov clinic!
Thank you for supporting our neutering programme. We may be neutering semi-owned dogs for free, but it is not free of charge for us. Support our neutering programme by donating to Animal Rescue Sofia.
Every neutered animal means less pain, suffering and death on the street. Female dog comes in season twice a year and gives birth to 6-8 puppies. The average life of a homeless dog is around 5 years which gives us around 70 puppies per female homeless dog over its lifespan. It is obvious what happens to the puppies – 2 of them survive to continue the cycle of suffering and death.
In times of overpopulation, castration is the only humane and viable long term solution of the problem. The Trap-Neuter-Return method is the only legal and proven method that can successfully reduce the number of homeless dogs. It is also endorsed by the World Health Organization.