It is our great pleasure to introduce you to another group of lucky animals that we have managed to send to kind and caring people in Holland and Germany. There are all sorts of dogs in this group, but for each of these animals this is an only chance to be loved and spoiled, to have their own home and a family to love.
Here are our new Dutch friends:
Of course, we begin with the cats, they must always be first! 3 boys and 1 girl have travelled to their new families:
Pantee is a black beauty of about 6 months. She was rescued from the street in a horrible state, ill and tottery. When she got better she turned out to be a ball of energy – the 3 cats of her fosters were not enough, so she played with the dogs as well. Now, she will have her own house with a yard that she can go about without any risk of being poisoned or torn to pieces by dogs.
Momo is a lovely boy of about 2 years – friendly, calm and so incredibly beautiful – we have no idea why he was thrown out and why he didn’t find love here in Bulgaria for such a long time. Good luck, Momo!
This lovely cat is The Boss! He is a boy who spent his nights lonely in the street and his days – with the kind people from a nearby office. His favorite chair was the one of the boss, so – that’s why he is the Boss. Otherwise, he is a very friendly, calm, docile cat. He is about 3 years old.
And Spas! A tiny little boy, found weary and ill in the street. He grew up in a veterinary clinic as there was no one available to foster him. Spas is about 5 months old, a very sweet and lovable baby.
There were also nine dog babies on this transport to Holland! We cannot say anything special about them – all of them have been born in the yards of our fellow-townsmen and then dumped as trash in different parts of the city.
When you look at them and they are just a picture on the screen – but it is one hell of a task to raise puppies in a shelter environment. The little ones have to be quarantined for at least a month; they have been de-wormed many times and vaccinated 3 times; they have to be fed special food and if there is none – we have to come up with all sorts of ideas to give them something good; and they have to be cleaned, cleaned, cleaned…
There are numberless armies of unwanted puppies such as these. Here, in the best case scenario they would be the neighborhood’s favorite mutt for 2-3 years. In Holland, where these lucky angels have arrived – they become the loved friends of families without prejudice.
There are six boys and three girls in this lucky group. In is interesting to note that we have the same proportion of sexes in the shelter as well – 2:1 for the ladies. We have no idea why – it is unlikely that there are more females being born…
Holland is the home of sweet pitbull Giulda who has been waiting for her loving home since 2011. The good girl was owned by an elderly man and when he passed – the noble relatives scheduled her for euthanasia. Two days before the date they decided to look for help from someone. Thus, Guilda made her way to the Pitbull Friends of Bulgaria and was fostered for 2 years until someone finally noticed her.
Sunny the Rottweiler had a similar destiny. The good girl was bought from her alcoholic owners by a kind man for 25E. He managed to rehome her, but the people who took her sold her to someone else. Sunny’s savior was forced to by her off again… To put it short – it was too much of a mess for such a good girl. She is now with her new, loving family in Holland – loved and cared for!
Petko too became Dutch! Found as a tiny little baby, Petko lived in his foster home for many long months until he became a huge, incredibly beautiful dog. It is still hard for us to believe that there was no one to want this guy here, in Bulgaria, but – congratulations to his new family in Holland, we are sure he will make them very happy.
And here on are our proud new Germans:
Do you remember Tina? She is one you have rescued! Someone had slammed her into the ground and her thy bone was in the shape of an X. Thanks to you, Tina was operated, fed well and brought up to an excellent condition. Here she is – healthy, happy and with a lovely temperament – a kind, friendly, loving lady. She is already in the caring hands of her new German people!
All of these dogs here come from the foster home of our chief doctor Marietta Stankova.
Marietta’s days are colored by the blood, puss and pain of the unwanted animals in this city. Her evenings are for the lucky ones who have crossed her path – her own and the many fostered animals at her home. A noisy bunch of (usually huge) good animals. Ava and Mali are two dogs that have been abandoned by their owners on different occasions in Novi Iskar. With Bulgaria being such a poor country, it is amazing that our compatriots through away such treasures:
And these here are Aya, Polly and Nelly – dogs that were rescued by d-r Stankova whilst she was volunteering in the municipal shelter Seslavci, where she has been helping the dogs for 4 years now.
Lovely Sisi used to be someone’s doggie. She was found in Dragalevci, but no one ever called her “found dog” adds. She spent quite a while with her fosters and when she became tired of waiting – packed her backs and sailed off to Germany!
This here lovely boy is called Kalgo. He too was rescued from the municipal shelter. When we moved him to our place he became one of the prize pupils – good with everyone and every routine, a smiling, wonderful dog.
Two brothers were supposed to travel on this trip – Blue and Tray. But – Tray’s life turned around completely – he was operated, his bone didn’t grow back, his front leg had to be amputated and he went to a different category – “disabled”. He fell of the list of lucky travelers. In his stead – one other dog that is nearly a copy of Tray, got the lucky ticket! He was brought to the shelter for neutering at the time Tray was going through his trouble and reminded us of him so much, that we sent his pic to Germany and asked if they’d want him in Tray’s stead. And they did! So, the ladies who had brought him to be neutered kept him at home while he was prepared to travel and the lucky Tray2 went to Germany! Hopefully, we will be able to find a place for Tray in that direction as well.
Cool is a collie mix that came to the shelter diagnosed as “a walking skeleton”. He was brought by people who had found him by the roadside, he was going somewhere, the poor guy – no one knows where, since he was far from any settlement. When he gained some weight and felt better, it turned out he was a very good, lively dog. Good luck, Cool!
And this here is Cool’s best friend – Pelin. We found this silly dog near a gas station at Elin Pelin. His story is similar – he was so skinny that we had to take him with us. After they were neutered and vaccinated, Cool and Pelin were put in the same cage and became very close. We are glad to have been able to send them to their happiness at the same time.
Snejka, the tiny little dog also finally went home. She is one that all the shelter loved immediately and she won the heart of Marietta who found her a loving home in Germany hours after Snejka was dumped with us. It took a while to organize her trip, but she is finally in the loving hands of her family.
Finally a secure, good home for Dancho! After he was rehomed with a good family here, the kind people had to bring him back almost immediately. Then, he had an unsuccessful attempt to be adopted abroad. As we say in Bulgarian “the bear gets married on the third time” – now, on the third time, finally Dancho has his own couch. And it is made in Germany!
Goofy and Sally spent their entire lives with us – over 2 years each. They were dumped puppies that we didn’t manage to find homes when they were babies and when they “crossed the line” at 6 months they simply merged into the adult crowd – so much more difficult to rehome. Kind, funny animals that will be so pleasantly surprised to find there is so much more to life in their new German homes!
Frizzle is one of the dogs we transferred to our shelter from the municipal pound in Seslavtzi back in 2010. Her babies had all died there and she was climbing the fence, getting her head stuck in it and screaming, screaming for help. She is a lovely dog, but she never managed to fit in at the shelter. There are some dogs that cannot live happily in such an environment and she is one of them. We are very glad she found a way out and went to Germany!
Mara is a so-called “community dog”, she is 4. She must have been bought for a breed, they have done their best to carve her years off. We don’t know what happened, but she turned up on the street one day. Kind people began feeding her, took care of her neutering. And she was just a flawless dog – good to everyone and very quiet. Of course, even so – there was some idiot who hated her, threatened and kicked her, until finally she was almost poisoned. This is how she came to the shelter and we began looking for a new place for her.
Puhcho! An incredibly funny animal – he simply showed up at the shelter one day. And since he was behaving like he was at home – for a short while our colleagues thought he was one of our own. On a second look it turned out he was just a clever mouse, about 2 years old. A very joyful dog!
And finally – Lassy, a 15-year-old collie. The hairs of the deceased owner contacted us about the old dog. When we asked to meet them and the dog – they backed out. Some time later our volunteers brought in an elderly collie that had been lying on the road all day… We decided to call the lady – after all – there are not that many old collies in this city. Yes, she had given the dog to someone in the same area. She promised to call us after she decides if it is their dog. Take a wild guess – has she called ever again?
What a genuine betrayal this is. To leave such an old pet outside, to leave her again in our shelter… These people must be totally u naware of the bad karma they are piling up. Disgusting behavior. Now Lassie will be loved till her last days. And, by the way, she was in a great spirit all the time, didn’t let all this get the best of her. Such a calm and good girl.
Coming back the bus brought over 140 kilograms of food for our hungry throats. And then the bus decided to brake and go to the service-station, so that we have to turn ourselves in and out to think of some way to pay for the reconstruction.
We thank:
- Our wonderful colleagues abroad!
- The fosters and volunteers who helped!
- The boys who drove the bus!
- And of course – the donors, who are making all this possible!