A big “HURRAY” for CHICOPEE who have provided out little puppies with excellent food for yet another month! The puppy food is of the brand TITAN and has a formula of 28% protein and 12% fat – the best proportion of proteins and fat for young doggies!
All in all 300 of high quality kibble was donated by CHICOPEE for the hungry throats at the shelter! You know that we purchase the cheapest possible food for our dogs, so it is absolutely vital that we find some way to feed the babies well – good food is of huge importance for the growth and development of the puppies. So, hats off to CHICOPEE who decided to donate to our babies instead of spending money on advertisement – we can only wish that more companies has the same concept.
Here is CHICOPEE’s homepage – CLICK. Do like it, so we can let the kind people know many people appreciate their help and generosity.