It’s exactly three years today, since Animal Rescue Sofia came to work at “The Farm”.
Seems like it was a whole life ago…
On 20.12.2013, thanks to the help of thousands of generous people from Bulgaria and all over the world, we bought this place – an old dairy farm, which we promised to turn into a real shelter for homeless souls. A place where they would find real love, real care, a real life and a real chance to be happy and loved. A shelter, not a concentration camp.
In three years, which we spent in work and reconstruction, what are our statistics?
- 2158 rehomed
- 3079 neutered
- Hundreds of patients treated for trauma and disease at our clinic…
And not a penny from the Municipality. Not a drop of help from the government. Just you and us – people with hearts who love animals and a job well done – we managed to provide homes to 2158 homeless dogs.
Can you imagine 2 dogs? And 20? How about 200? 2000!? It’s hard even for us, although they’ve all been in our hearts… So many stories, so many unusual destinies, loved friends who came sad and left smiling for a new life.
It’s hard to find the words to help you, dear friends.
In these years that we’ve had your support – to be honest – it has been incredibly difficult, truly hopeless at times – we’ve gone on, because of you. Because you cared. Because we made a decision together – to make Bulgaria a better place for living. For the people, and for the animals here.
We thank you for being there, dear angels! We wish you happy holidays!
Loads of love to you and everyone you care for,
from the people and animals of the Farm shelter!
(To be exact: 220 dogs, 18 cats, 12 people, 3 goats, 2 horses, 2 pigs, 1 ram and 1 rook – all of these, your friends)
PS Most people think we’re some kind of misanthropists. Dog-people – because we so much harm done to animals by humans; dog-haters – because they believe we can only love dogs…
But you don’t have two hearts – one for animals and another for humans. You only have one and it either knows how to love, or does not.
In the 7 years since we started working together, we’ve seen loads of People. And we can tell you, dear friends:
– the ones to be proud of are many, many more than the ones we should be ashamed of!
We hug you, send you love and are really happy to know you’re there for the dogs!