230 guests at our Halloween party

WOW is all we can say about the Helloween party! It was increadible – 230 amazingly dressed and masked people came to give their support and have a good time with Animal Rescue Sofia. Thank you, thank you, we are thrilled! All in all we collected nearly 1 800E for the dogs under our care! Specail thanks to everyone who brought home made food and sweets.

Thanks to Mihaela Vlaseva who onse again made special keychains and stickers for us to sell. Thanks to Annie Bozhkova-Vassileva for making us stickers and business cuards to give out to the guests. To everyone on the organizing team – good job, guys and girls, well done!!!

The collected money will be distributed among the many animals in neeed under the care of Animal Rescue Sofia – vaccines, mediacations, neutering procedures, other veterinary costs and food. It’s great to have seen so many animal friends have fun together – the mood was wonderful, even the Zombies were smiling! Hope to see you again soon!


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