2,7 tonnes of food from Tierhilfe Sofia and BINX in July

Our friends Beat and Gergana at Tierhilfe Sofia have sent us 2000 kilograms of food in two transports this month! The first 800 kilos were quickly devoured in the first days of July and 1200 more are waiting patiently to come to our rescue in the worst week of every month – the last one, when everything is hard and resources are scarce.

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Huge thanks to our Dutch friends at BINX – they helped us fill in the rest of the deficit for July, sending our hungry dogs 700 kilograms of quality kibble. There is cat food and pouches in this donation for our kitties too! But perhaps the ones most delighted by this donation are the Puppygarten babies who will grow stronger and healthier with the high-quality food they got!

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THANK YOU dear colleagues for not forgetting the little Bulgarians in trouble, despite not seing them every day as we do, despite not being responsible for their suffering in any way, despite everything! Our dogs are lucky to have such wonderful friends!

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