Another group of unwanted little Bulgarians have joined the large 4-legged Bulgarian population in the civilized part of Europe. Transports may be hard to organize, our dogs may not be the most wanted (even the best of people judge by appearances), but we are so ready to pay “the price of happiness”, because we know these sweethearts will never again be desperate and homeless. With a great joy in our hearts we introduce you to our new Western-Europeans!
We start with two German ladies from the same caliber, ladies Pippi and Cheburashka.
Pippi is a 20-cm tall golden oldie that arrived at the shelter with a bad case of mange. Being the dog of an elderly person poor Pippi hadn’t had so much interaction with other animals and shelter life came quite as a shock to her. She managed perfectly (A+) and won the golden ticket to happiness. Just as Cheburashka, Pippi is now in the loving arms of her new family!
And Cheburashka is one perfect lady! Small and good, kind and gentle, clever and outgoing, she just loves everyone – people, dogs, cats, snakes, trolls… It was just this stupid eye that we had to remove (she had a horrible glaucoma) that stopped our grand plans of rehoming her locally. To her great joy German people react with a “who cares?” when you tell them the dog is missing an eye and the lady is already putting on weight (yes, she can!) in her new home.
And here are some little heroes raised by lovely people in foster homes (you know how great our need for fosters is – little puppies shouldn’t come to the shelter unvaccinated, this is too risky with so many other dogs around). Foster care is not a thing too simple, but then the rewards are fabulous – a life saved, a signature and a stamp in the big book of Good Deeds.
Metsa and Balkan were raised to become lovely fluffy babies before they arrived at the puppygarten. They are now enjoying the fields and skies of Holland.
It makes us want to cry just looking at these pictures. It is so sad that so few of the doggies like these here find the love they crave. It is a shame that the owner of their mother will continue to dump and dump and dump puppies instead of simply neutering the mother and getting it over with. We thank the fosters for having them and giving them a chance. These innocent babies have no sins to pay…
These three fellows were only 20 days old when kind and caring people picked them up from the street and gave them a new life. It is not easy to hand-rear babies, but you can see the results yourself – healthy, happy, strong and confident babies that are now munching and peeing all over their new Dutch happiness! Good Things do happen. You only need Good People to do them.
We call these babies “The Brothers”. They too come from foster homes with the vaccines they needed for a happy and healthy life at the shelter. They are very social and sweet little boys, no idea how they weren’t chosen by adopters locally, but it must be their destiny to become Dutch, there is no other explanation.
This gray angel is called Srebarna (silver). She is the personal favorite of Vessy Kosturska – not only for her gorgeous color and playful eyes, but also for her contagious wolf smile and amazing, sunny temperament. Her 3 brothers are still waiting for love at the shelter. This litter was also fostered before they could come in with vaccines already made.
Reya is one more lady that joined our pack at 3 months after her fosters made sure she is vaccinated. Only this happened a whole year ago. She was a calm, friendly, beautiful puppy, but nobody liked her. And in the end of it all she left us for her new life as a calm, friendly, beautiful young lady. But – she is happy after all, so task accomplished!
Meet Axel. He is a big baby that was given up by his owners who told us he was “aggressive” to their child. So horribly, horribly aggressive, you have to keep your hands high in his presence, or he will kiss you to death. Just an amazing, social, friendly dog. Unfortunately, he remained in the shelter for a while, but it seems that it all makes sense now – he is dearly loved and cared for by his new Dutch family.
And finally – two little peas who are actually adults:
Jessika was living a chained life in front of a huge apartment building. Yes, really. Just as you see her – barely 20cm from the ground. When she was brought to us for neutering she had no hair on her neck from the collar, so we decided to keep her – how would she last the winter outside? She would not. And she will not. Because she is a Dutch lady now!
And this here little hero is called Dido – a Shih-Tzu boy that came through the same door – brought in by Ecobalance for neutering. He is such an obvious lap dog we had no ideaq how he even survived outside all this time to get so dirty. Despite the odds, he had a family waiting in Holland and when he was ready with his vaccines he went off to find his happiness!
We are greatly in debt to all known and unknown angels that have helped us on this incredible journey!